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We're waved along to the long section of the train that we'll be staying in. Each section is so long that the train has to move forward a bit with each new group entering the train. It's a bullet train, able to travel the length of the country a few hours if going the top speed the whole time. Usually though they'll slow down every once in a while to allow people to see out the windows. They've been around for hundreds of years, but they've been improved greatly. They're safer and faster now apparently, able to stop way quicker.

It's strange, some people say that in the past thousand years the technology hasn't improved enough. They say it like it's the inventors, scientists, and physicists fault. I'd like to see them try and invent technology more advanced than what we have now. Let them see how hard it is. Most people though say that it's more the fault of the wars and new countries that we haven't the time to research into new possibilities. What more could they want to have invented?

Finally I see what they were stopping everyone for at the entrances of the train. "Arm please," a smiley woman says, holding out her hand expectantly.

"Okay." I lift it towards her. She holds my wrist with one hand, and with the other she lifts up a tiny machine to my fingers. "Wh- what's that?" I ask.

"Don't worry!" She chirps.

"Well I..." I stop talking when a tiny needle shoots into my finger, drawing blood. "Oh!" I pull my hand back quickly, shaking it in the air to stop the pain.

"Just needed your blood to confirm it's you. You can go on now!"

"Thanks..." I step on the platform, and am lifted up into the train.

"Parker, Aria Hope." A robotic voice says.

I've been brought up to a small room with two doors on either side. I try to open the door on the right hand side, but it's locked. Shrugging, I then open up the other door and step inside. It looks like it's a dorm or bunker of some sort. The whole length of the cart is lined with silver bunk beds dressed in blue duvets and blue pillows. The walls are white, the floor is white, and the ceiling of the train is white.

There are only five other people here other than me. I was near the front of the line. One girl I notice right away has bright pink hair. No one really pays attention to me, they're all looking around or looking out the blue curtained windows.

After a minute Jen comes in and looks around wildly. "We're sleeping on the train?" She looks completely confused. "Aren't these things supposed to be like, crazy fast?"

"Yes." CeCe surprises us by walking into the room. "But we have a few stops, and will be slowing down some to let you see some of the provinces we're going though."

"Awesome!" Jen grins.

"By the time you wake up tomorrow, we'll be at the facility."

"Thanks." I nod.

While I await further instruction, and for the rest of my group to board, I join the people at the windows. The view isn't anything special at all, just the huge station room we were in. I'm not sure what I was expecting to see other than that, but I feel a bit disappointed that we haven't left yet so I can see real views.

I'm sure that I'm looking through one way glass, because when we wave at the remaining groups, no one even stops to look. That would also explain why from the outside I didn't think there were any lights on in here. It's funny to watch them all though, some dancing with anticipation and some acting nonchalant but still having wide, excited eyes. The line of Sixteens slowly gets shorter as more come inside. Eventually a hand lightly grasps my shoulder, startling me from my daze. I turn around quickly to see who it is.

"Hi." He tilts his head to the side and smiles. "Did I scare you?"

"A little." I laugh quietly. "You did sorta come out of nowhere, Nate."

"Well actually, I came out of the outside." He nods and smirks, acting as if he said was professur worthy information.

"'Out of the outside' huh?" I make fun of him.

"Yes, it's a more wordy way to say I came inside."

I smile and roll my eyes at him.

He smirks when I smile, tucking his hands into his jean pockets.

CeCe walks back into the room once everyone from our group is on the train and says in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "Girls will be on the top bunks, boys on the bottom. You can pick your bunks now." As she finishes speaking the train rolls ahead, knocking me off balance. I grab Nate's arm to steady myself, but quickly let go once I notice who I'm holding onto. The movement of the train stops a few seconds later, letting me know we were again pulling forward to let another group in.

Now to pick a bed... I stare at them for a while before realizing what's wrong. There's no way there is enough bunks for fifty people here. I walk all the way to the back for the train car and slowly open the door. A tiny hallway, if you could even call the two foot entrance that, leads into another car that is also filled with bunks. I run to the one at the very end, where so far no other people are. When I look behind me after setting my backpack on the top bunk, I see that Nate, Jen, and a few other people I don't know have followed me through.

There is a screen attached to the end of each bunk. They flash the words, 'Touch to claim bunk' over and over. With the tip of my index finger, I tap the screen. Two thumbprint scans appear, one indicating that it's for the top bunk, and the other for the bottom. I press my right thumb against it, and then all my information pops up. The top half of the screen then says, 'temporary property of Aria H Parker.'

"That's pretty cool," Nate says from behind me.

"Oh my gosh!" I spin around. "Dude, you have to stop sneaking up on me like that."

"Sorry, I'm just really good at it." He teases. "Now, my turn."

"Your turn...?" I space out and look at him in confusion.

"The thumbprint thing?"

"Oh!" I nervously play with one of my earrings. "Of course." I step to the side and watch him.

Jennifer comes up soon after and chooses the bunk next to ours, smirking at me when he's not looking. I glare at her behind his back.

She's always like this, she teases me about everything. Even things that don't make sense to tease about. For instance, him.

Before she gets a chance to actually say anything to embarrass me, the train lurches forward again, shaking her off balance from her tip toed state. She grabs the side of her bunk and starts to laugh, then throws herself onto the bottom bunk.

"Can I—?" A boy points at the bed at Jen is laying on.


"Oh oh okay..." He walks away timidly.

"Jennifer we're supposed to be nice!" I laugh.

"He didn't need this bed! There are thirteen in each room. That's fifty two bunks. There is only fifty of us," she defiantly says.

"Alright..." I roll my eyes while Nate chuckles at her.  

* * * * *

June 3rd, 2016.

I'm so excited about how #TCO competition is going on FANTASCI! If you're not following already you must. We have some really great contests, competitions, book reviews, and great stuff like that.

Also, I wanna congratulate KarateChop because she GOT HER FEATURE DATE!!!!! <3

And I must congratulate TaliMark on the completion of their story "The Only Reason"

(Graphic by @PlayBoyStiles)

Infinite | Chosen Series book one ❄️ Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα