Part 31 ;)

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Hehe I bet you all thought I was going to leave you with one short chapter like that. hehe Gotcha!!!!

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Plans, Plans, Plans

“So I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I say as I close my locker. “Five o’ clock at my house?”

Fran and Jas nod.

“Perfect,” Fran replies. “I’ll bring my make-up kit too. We’ve got to look sexy!”

She strikes a pose as she finishes her sentence. Jas and I start to laugh. Fran is something else. We’ve been looking forward to this party for weeks. It’s Hilary’s annual ‘big bash’.

“Jas, you up for looking sexy?” I ask her, nudging her playfully.

“Come on guys,” Jas says, rolling her eyes. “There’s more to life than ‘looking sexy’.”

“Bla! Bla! Bla!” Fran squawks. “Jas! Relax a little! Loosen up!”

“Yeah!” I agree. “Tomorrow, you have got to let out your inner freak! She’s been cooped up for way too long!”

Jas rolls her eyes again and shakes her head. Fran and I look at each other and grin. We’re planning to doll Jas up and let her discover what she’s been missing out on. This is her first party in years. The poor girl needs to lighten up and have some fun! Sadly, her parents can be really strict so they don’t let her go to parties. So tomorrow, she’s sleeping over at my house. Well, that’s what her parents think, hehe.

“I don’t know about you, Jas,” Fran says, pulling out her lip gloss. “But tomorrow, I’m gonna find a man! I’ve been single for way too long!”

I smile and look at my friend. Fran’s got long, blonde hair. I love it. It’s got natural highlights. She got light blue eyes and slightly rosy cheeks. Her eyelashes are so long. She’s in the water polo team too. That’s how she maintains her figure (she’s got the type of figure that really does stop guys in their tracks). A lot of guys are after Fran, but she keeps turning them down. Maybe one of them will get lucky tomorrow. Who knows?

“Fran, you make it sound like you actually have to go and find a guy,” I say, chuckling. “You and I both know that you’ve got a whole lotta guys coming after you!”

“True,” Fran says thoughtfully. “But I don’t take any guy that gives me a second look. He’s got to have a personality too. Some guys only want one thing, you know.”

Oh yes, one thing that I forgot to add. Fran is no dumb blonde. She’s feisty, intellectual and always looks before she leaps. She looks for guys with personality. Looks are a bonus in her eyes. She does manage to get both though. All the time.

“You’ll definitely find a man, Fran,” Jas says. “I wish I could say the same for me.”

I smile sympathetically at my friend and shake my head. Jas, Jas, Jas. She’s too modest for her own good. Unlike Fran, Jas has shoulder-length, auburn hair. Her eyes are chocolate brown and she’s got olive skin. Jas also has an amazing figure (she used to be a ballerina). The thing about Jas is she’s too shy. A lot of guys have tried to hit on her but she shies away. Who knows? Maybe that’ll change.

“So, Jamie?” Fran says, interrupting my thoughts. “Is Tommy coming to the party?”

I hesitate and look down at the ground. Fran and Jas have noticed that Tommy and I have become distant. He doesn’t hang out with us often. Football practice is taking up his time but...but I also think that he doesn’t want to chill with us anymore because of me.

“I don’t know,” I reply quietly. “I think he is.”

“Guess we’ll have to find out, won’t we?” Jas says quickly, closing the subject. She glares at Fran and shakes her head.

I’ve got to get to Cheer Practice now otherwise Coach will bite my head off. I’m not complaining. I need to get Tommy out of my head.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I say, starting to walk away. “I’ve got to get to practice.”

Jas and Fran wave at me as I walk away. I wave back and turn around. Oh crap.

Tommy’s walking towards me and I can’t walk away. Gosh! My heart’s racing now. I can feel the guilt flowing through me. I hope he doesn’t notice.

 “Hey, Tommy,” I say meekly.

“Hey, Jamie,” he replies, stopping in front of me. “How are you?”

“I’m okay thanks,” I answer. “How are you?”

The vibe between us is so flat.

“I’m okay,” Tommy replies quietly.

“Cool,” I reply as I start to sway. Awkward moment! I look up at Tommy. He looks like he’s holding something back. Say it, Tommy! Just say what you need to say! Show me that you’re tired of my flat mood! Yell at me! Do something!

“So are you going to Hilary’s party tomorrow night?” he asks lamely. Damnit, Tommy! Why do you have to be such a damn gentleman! I don’t deserve it!

“Yeah, I am,” I reply awkwardly. “Are you?”

Tommy nods without saying a word. Silence falls on us again. This is the type of silence I hate. It’s awkward and it makes me feel queasy. I’ve got to get out of here. I look at my watch and make myself gasp.

“I’ve got to go,” I say, feigning anxiety. “I’m late for practice!”

I’m not late for practice, though. It only starts in fifteen minutes. As I said before, I need to get out of here.

Tommy’s face falls slightly. Suddenly, a pang hits my heart. I hate disappointing Tommy.

 “I guess I’ll see you at Hilary’s party,” he replies flatly.

“See you,” I reply. I look into his eyes and breathe in sharply. There’s...there’s so much hurt and confusion in them. I don’t know which one is more evident. And it’s all because of me...

I have to get out of here! I walk away without giving him a hug, kiss or any physical form of affection. I’m an awful girlfriend. If Tommy has had enough of my nonsense, he really is good at hiding it. Maybe he’s waiting for me to get over whatever I’m going through. If only he knew that I can’t get over this situation. Until I tell Tommy the truth, I won’t be able to get over this situation. I know that I need to tell him. But I can’t. I just can’t.

Why does life have to be so damn complicated?

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