Chapter 16

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Abby shivered nervously as she followed Zoran toward the transporter room. They had reached Valdier a couple of hours ago. Zoran had been busy with making final arrangements on board before he came to the cabin to get her. Abby was wearing the jeans and T-shirt she had on when she had been on Earth. She needed something familiar to help her deal with all the changes.

"So, how does this thing work? Are all my body parts going to be in the same place after you zap us? What does this button do? Why is that one flashing? Man, I'd love to take this puppy apart and see what makes it tick." Abby heard Cara's voice going a mile a minute.

Abby chuckled when she saw Cara moving like a hummingbird around and around the console holding the transporter controls, a symbiot following her while Trelon moved from one side to the other trying to catch her. Every time he would get close to her, Cara would either turn at the last minute just out of arm's reach or the symbiot would get between the two of them.

Trisha stood over to the other side with a stony stare on her face, Kelan's symbiot lying at her feet with Kelan sending dark looks at her every now and then. Ariel and Carmen stood to the other side with two guards staring at both of them with lusty looks. Carmen bared her teeth at the guards, causing both of them to take a step back.

Abby touched Zoran's arm. "I didn't know you had brought the other women here," Abby whispered.

Zoran smiled down at Abby's surprised face. "I am afraid I have not taken as good of care of you as I should have. I've kept you to myself these past two weeks. It was necessary to bring them. They saw too much. Besides, the one named Carmen had been hurt too critically to leave her behind." He didn't add how he hoped having others of her with her would help her adjust.

"But..." Abby hesitantly looked at the other women. "Did they want to come? What if they want to return home?"

"This is their home, now, Abby. They cannot return," Zoran replied sternly. He did not want her to think if the others wanted to return to Earth, then she could.

"But..." Abby started to argue, stopping at the dark look Zoran gave her.

"They will adjust just as you will," Zoran said before turning away to nod toward Kelan and Trelon to show he was ready to transport.

Taking Abby's arm, he guided her over to one of the transporter modules, holding her tightly as the lights began moving around them. In a matter of moments, they were on Valdier in the transporter room of the main base. Several guards appeared, bowing to Zoran as he pulled Abby through the room.

Abby glanced around the elaborate room she had been guided to before Zoran kissed her, promising to return later. He told her he'd ordered some clothing for her, and a seamstress would be along shortly for her fitting.

Abby bit her tongue, trying not to give into the anger building inside her. She was getting tired of Zoran's high-handed attitude of bossing her around.

She paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching her fists. The more she paced, the madder she got. How dare he bring the other women here? Didn't he understand how it felt to lose everything you knew? Didn't he care if they had families who would worry about them and miss them?

She was the one responsible for Cara, Trisha, Ariel, and Carmen being here. It was her fault. If she hadn't invited them to her home, they would have been safe. Abby wrapped her arms around her waist.

She had to talk to them, see if they were happy; if not, she had to find a way to talk Zoran into returning them to Earth. He had to listen to her. She was so tired of him telling her she would adjust. How would he know? He wasn't the one who had been ripped away from everything he knew. He wasn't the one having to rely on someone else for his very existence.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now