Chapter 15

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Abby was still in a daze as she watched Zoran talk with his two brothers and his head of security. She was sitting on Zoran's lap. She blushed profusely when they walked into what appeared to be a conference room and found three huge men staring at her like she was a tasty morsel. It hadn't helped when she tried to move to sit away from everyone only to find herself firmly entrenched between Zoran's muscular thighs.

She wiggled, trying to get free, until she felt Zoran move his hand between her thighs. When she tried to move his hand, he took his other one and slid it up under her shirt.

"What are you doing?" Abby whispered furiously, trying not to look at the three other men.

"If you insist on wiggling your ass on my cock, I will take you here right now," Zoran murmured in her ear.

"The others will see you." Abby glanced under her lashes at the men who were watching with interest.

"They wish to see how your species responds. They want to watch as I take you," Zoran said huskily.

Abby froze in horror. From the feel of Zoran's cock under her ass, he seemed turned on by the idea of others watching as he took her but Abby didn't feel the same. She began shaking as fear set in.

"Zoran, please don't," Abby begged. "Most of my species are very private about what we do. I'm very private. I don't think I could ever forgive you if you did."

Zoran frowned as he felt Abby begin to shake in his arms. He had not meant to frighten her. His species found nothing wrong with the enjoyment of watching others enjoying themselves. He would not offer to share Abby as she was his true mate, and his dragon would not share.

His brothers asked if they could learn how to please a human female as both expressed an interest in two of the females who were taken. He had not been offended. He found it rewarding to watch his brothers with other females, often suggesting ways to pleasure them. He would enjoy doing things to Abby they might suggest.

"It is not unusual for my species to enjoy watching others as they seek pleasure. It often heightens our own," Zoran said, trying to calm Abby. If anything, her shaking became worse.

"Zoran, all is well with your mate?" Trelon asked curiously. "I smell fear on her."

Zoran pulled Abby tighter into his arms, frowning as she buried her face in his neck and clung to him. "Her species does not allow others to see them when they pleasure each other. Abby says it is a private matter between the mated pair."

"But..." Kelan began, frustrated.

Jarak leaned forward. "If the female is uncomfortable with my presence, I can leave."

Abby peeked out from Zoran's neck, tears glittered on her eyelashes. "It's not just you," Abby said softly. "Most people, humans, are very private about sharing their bodies. We don't walk around naked; we definitely don't make love in front of other people; and we don't share our bodies. Not all humans, but most find it offensive to even ask them to do so."

Abby looked up at Zoran sadly. "I'm afraid we didn't have much time to get to know each other, otherwise you would know this. If you don't mind, I'd like to go back to our cabin. I... I'm not feeling very well."

Zoran frowned down at Abby. He could feel her pain, and it confused him. She was looking very pale. Perhaps, she reacted badly because she was still tired. Zoran felt a wave of disgust when he thought about how much she had been through and how selfish he had been with his own desires.

Nodding, Zoran stood and picked Abby up in his arms. "I will return shortly. I wish Abby to rest more."

Abby didn't say anything as Zoran carried her back to their cabin. When he laid her down on the bed, she rolled over, giving him her back, and closed her eyes. She refused to cry in front of him. Zoran sat next to her for a moment, rubbing her back, before he leaned over giving her a kiss on her neck.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now