Chapter 4

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Zoran stretched, waiting for the pain to slice through his body. He kept his eyes closed as he sent out his senses to determine what dangers might be close at hand. When he didn't feel the normal wrenching of pain, he froze. He could feel his symbiot moving around his body repairing the damage. Had he found shelter? He frowned; he couldn't remember. Had his brothers found him? He did not detect their presence.

He did a quick internal review. His ribs were healed, though still tender, and the numerous cuts and bruises were also healed. He felt clean, but he did not remember bathing. He also realized he was completely nude beneath a soft thick covering. He didn't recognize any of the scents around him as being from his home.

He let his senses expand to cover the room. He was alone in the room, but not in the structure. There were two other species in it with him. While he did not recognize the scents, they were vaguely familiar. He heard a soft, pleasant sound, a type of soft singing coming from the other room before he heard the sound of footsteps as they approached him.

Abby sang softly under her breath as she prepared a vegetable broth for her guest. She had been forcing the broth down his throat for the past two days, fearful of him becoming dehydrated or malnourished. The electricity had come back on late last night. She was thankful, since she needed to finish the piece she was working on, and it was just safer not using candles.

Pouring the broth into a deep bowl, she set it on the tray. She hoped her guest woke up soon. If he didn't wake up by tomorrow, she was going to have to call for the doctor to come look in on him. She went up to the meadow twice a day as well to pet and talk to the gold ship. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling it was worried about the man. She was rewarded with another gold bracelet, necklace, and earrings. At the rate she was going, she would be so loaded down, she wouldn't be able to walk.

Abby walked quietly into the bedroom. The mid-morning sun shone brightly through the large windows.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. I've made you some more of that delicious broth you love so much. How about opening those gorgeous eyes and giving me a peek at who's sleeping his life away? Bo would love to have someone to play catch with, and your golden ship seems to be missing you as well." Abby kept up the running monologue she had started yesterday morning, thinking that if he heard someone's voice he might respond faster. The Internet said people in a coma could hear what people said, so maybe this hunk of a man could hear her.

Zoran frowned as the translator imbedded in his brain took a moment to learn and translate the words the creature spoke. He breathed in deeply to catch the creature's scent and was immediately hit by the fragrance of sunlight, woods, and wildflowers. His body jerked in response, his cock filling with need as the beast inside him responded to the female. His fingers clenched under the covers as he fought the overpowering reaction to the female's voice and scent.

He could tell she was not a Valdier. Her scent was wrong, but it was also right. He had never had such a powerful reaction to any of the females on his planet, or any other, for that matter.

He heard her set something on the table next to him before the bed sank down slightly from her weight. He bit back a groan as he felt her soft fingers slide through his hair and down along his face caressing him.

"Come on, fly boy. Don't you want to wake up? It's such a beautiful day outside. I need to go into town today, and I don't like leaving you alone when you are so defenseless." Abby enjoyed running her fingers through his long hair and along his jaw.

Suddenly, strong tan fingers wrapped around her fragile wrist and she was jerked over his body until she was lying on her back under a huge chest. Abby let out a squeal as she was flipped over the long, hard body of the male who moments before had been totally still and unresponsive. She lay still, staring up into dark gold eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared into the strong, fierce face of a man who could snap her neck between his fingers if he felt like it.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now