Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Billie kept her eyes glued to Dillon’s in a spell of intensity. She knew whatever he had to said would impact her brother’s case. “What’s going on?”

 “Come on.” He said grabbing her hand and led the way outside to the parking lot.

“Talk to me.” Billie begged once they were alone.

“It’s best we talk alone before I tell everyone else.  The woman that wanted to talk with me just now knew Joey. They were good friends she said but I didn’t know her. She said she was having problems and went to the church, that’s how they met and became friends but no one knew because she was in town hiding from her ex. Billie, she was in the church that night.” Dillon explained, his tone giving away his own hope for the witness.

“Did she see anything?”

“She was sitting toward the back so the killer must’ve not seen her. She saw a man in a black long coat go down the hall that led to Joey’s office. A few minutes passed then she heard the gunshot. Scared out of her mind she hid, she watched as he left. The best she could tell me was tall white male, brown hair maybe some facial hair.” Dillon finished telling her.

“Where is she now?”

“Headed home, there was nothing else I could’ve asked. Even though she’s in town hiding out she wants to help us catch Joey’s killer. She left an address we could find her at.” Dillon answered; he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “You’re shivering.”

“Thanks.” Billie softly said. She had hoped the flutters she had felt in his office would disappear but now standing her with him, inhaling the scent of his cologne from his jacket, those flutters were back with a vengeance.

“It’s getting pretty late, you should go home.” Dillon suggested.

“I can be more help, I can handle it.” Billie nearly snapped not because she was upset with him, she was angry over the fact he was walking on eggshells around her.  “I’m here, give me something to do.”

“There’s always tomorrow.” Dillon reminded her. “I’ll run you ragged then. For now just go try and get some rest, this is your first night here.” He turned and headed inside after that.

Billie sighed and headed to her car. She was staying at the local hotel, she didn’t even consider going home to her parents. Her mother always found a reason to fight with her. Her mother didn’t agree with her dangerous life style, that and the way she ran all those years ago. Billie ran from home and everyone connected to it, she couldn’t cope with all that happened, especially with Dillon Merchant.

She really looked around as she drove the spots she used to hang out, the diner she used to work at through high school. The park she and Joey played at as kids. The same park she and Dillon would walk through, taking the long way home to spend more time together as he walked her home every day from school.

Tears stung her eyes as she reached the hotel. Billie walked with her head down and still alert as she walked into her room. The killer had contacted her, gotten too close to leave that note. Billie hopped he would slip up and they would be able to catch him soon because she didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

She shut the door and began to search the room, hand on her gun, to make sure she was alone. After that she let herself break down, the tears running down her face as she lay down on the bed.

The next morning as soon as Billie showered and dressed she was back at the police station.

“Did you even sleep?” Dillon asked when she walked into his office.

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