Chapter 23 - Drifting

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Y'all just look at baby daddy 🙄 omg 💖 (Carter)

I have honestly been reading & not writing on here. Sorry for the weight 🙄 yes,  weight 😁✌🏽️


I picked myself up out of bed and rushed to the bathroom emptying my stomach for the this time this morning. I want to believe it was the bad Chinese food I had last night, but all 23 pregnancy tests I took say otherwise. I brushed my teeth looking at myself solemnly in the mirror. I'm a mess. Every since that day Sincere walked out I slipped into depression I guess. I just want to be alone.

- Omniscient -

Camilla blew out a breath and began getting dressed. She wore a dark grey tube dress that went down past her knees and paired it with some baby blue Adidas she got customized. She out on a little bit of jewelry and some lip gloss. She looked at her flat stomach in the dress knowing it wouldn't be long before she would look like a potbelly pig.

"Hi dad." She peeped out entering the kitchen. He gave her a head nod focusing on his grilled cheese. "Where is everyone?"

"Gone to Six Flags." He shrugged

"I wasn't invited?"

"You've been distant Babygirl, so don't come with that attitude." Camilla furrowed up her face a little taken aback by her father's words.

"What do you mean daddy? I just thought they would've at least asked." Messiah sighed taking the sandwich from the pan and turned around.

"I shouldn't have babied you so much because as soon as you found out about how you were conceived you started acting like a little rich brat. You've been disrespectful to everyone. I understand your frustration but you owe everyone an apology."

"Dad I never meant to. I was just overwhelmed."

"Then fix it baby. I'm not mad at you, but you know better. Family is always first.... Oh, and I hope you plan on telling Sincere about your pregnancy too."

Camilla's mouth dropped wide open as her dad brushed past. She could tell he was disappointed because he didn't even look her in the eye.

She wasn't speaking to anyone.. Anyone. She didn't even sit at the dinner table with everyone. And on Christmas, she didn't come out of her room until 4 in the afternoon and her presents have yet to be opened. Mackenzie tried countless times to talk to her, but she'd always get ignored. It made Messiah mad to see Camilla act like such a bitch. He didn't raise her like that, but she probably didn't care about anything he had ever taught her because she found out he wasn't bet biological father.

"D-Daddy I wanted to tell you. I promise." She followed him into the living room.

"I knew when you came home. Those pregnancy tests I saw in your room were just reinforcement."

"Why are you being so nonchalant? L-like I'm not your Babygirl anymore? I love you dad. I-I just didn't know what to say." The waterworks began making it hard for Messiah to be so mean to her.

"You didn't have to say anything, just listened. Your mom's hurt, I'm hurt... Even Royalty
misses you. I won't tell her about the pregnancy, but I suggest you make things right starting with your mother." He hugged her letting her cry into his chest. She was wrong, but he wouldn't let his Baby go without guidance.

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