Chapter 17

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I had just gotten off the phone with my dad when I walked into dance class and automatically begin stretching before my professor got in. I been working on so many projects lately, and it's been stressful along with Donny and his drama. I really want to talk, but I gotta put my work first.

I've been spending more time in the apartment working since the party. Of course the situation sits in the back of my mind. Donny was so perfect, but how could someone that fine not have hoes? Let's be realistic

Anyway, me, Sin, DJ, and Harmony have been spending time together surprisingly. We went to Carowinds last weekend and enjoyed it. It felt like family again. Our parents haven't even been calling frequently... I guess this is their way of letting us see things for ourselves

"Morning class!" My professor switched into the room with some skinny jeans and a tight blazer on.

"Morning Mr. Monroe." The class sang dryly. There's 30 people in this mid-afternoon class at the most.

"Well, well I guess y'all are having a bad week. Anyway, Today we'll be learning some choreography by my nephew for a showcase in front of the cafeteria building. It'll be on Friday, so you guys better be prepared. Make it your own and put some passion into this. I expect you guys to go all out. I'll choose the best 3, so you better work hard. That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!" He ended with a breath.

I sighed not in the mood for another thing on my plate. I took off my jacket revealing my PINK sports bra and yoga pants as everyone got ready. I got front and center as the guy taught. The dance was pretty easy, but some people were messing the whole thing up. Finally, our 90 minutes was up and mostly everyone had the moves down. I put my beats pill in front of the mirrors and made sure I turned my camera on and got to work. I played  the song WTF by Missy Elliot and worked on it for a little. The song ended for the third time and I heard applause making me look up from getting my camera.

"Can I help you?" I looked at the nice looking guy standing by the door.

"Um, no. I just came to see if my uncle was still here, but your dancing is great."

"Thank you. How is Mr. Monroe is YOUR uncle?" I examined him since I hadn't before, and he was pretty dern thuggish

"Unfortunately, he and my dad are brothers." He mumbled

"He's not bad. Really sweet." I giggled after I heard what I said.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. I didn't catch your name." He smiled showing his grills. Oweeee

"I didn't throw it." I said putting my camera and Pill in my bag before throwing on my jacket. He just stared at me shocked at my smart remark. "He's in his office. Camilla." I passed him making my way out of the door.

"Tyson!" He yelled as I walked out of the door.

I walked into the apartment and threw my keys on the table to be met by Donny.


"How did you get in here?!" I instantly got upset. I've been in classes all day long and I just wanna chill out, not fuss with some fuckboy about some chick who I noticed happens to be in my dance class.

"Can you just listen to what I have to say?" I shrugged walking into my room. He was tight on my trail.

"Look, that girl, Unique, she's just a friend I promise. We've been friends since we were young and I don't know why she came at you like that. I told her about it and everything's cool baby.... I miss you for real Cam. I'm sorry about the party. Just forgive me." I looked up at him and could see he was sincere.

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