Chapter 17

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One Month Later

Nikolay stared across the table at the Scottish boss. The Scottish boss stared across the table at the Russian boss. The Russian boss stared at his secretary who was preparing coffee for the men surrounding the table. Well, staring at her pert ass.

"I don't understand. Conall called war upon you and the Night Wolves. Why would he change his mind? And why isn't he here telling me this himself?"

"Because he's dead," Nik said bluntly, making Andrei sigh.


"Yep. Dead as a doornail. My old lady killed him and every Irish man he brought with him."

The Scottish boss looked at Andrei who nodded. "And where is your woman? I'd like to meet her." Nik tensed at the statement.

"She's... indisposed at the moment." Nik glared at Andrei who grimaced. It was getting harder to find the right demon for his daughter. No one wanted to take the challenge, especially when it's Satan's daughter who needs the demon.

"Boss!" Mikel burst in the room in panic, his eyes staring at Nik. "You need to come see this. It's... It's her." Nikolay got up and calmly walked out of the room until he was no longer in sight, then took off to his woman's room.

"I glanced at her for a second before I'd go to the bathroom and... shit boss." The male walked to the bed and about went to his knees at the sight. His woman was deathly pale, her eyes looked sunken in, and she had aged. Physically she looked over fifty years old instead of her healthy twenty year old complexion. 

"She doesn't have much time. Nik... I need you to talk to her while I hunt for her demon. Keep her soul here or It'll leave her body."

Nikolay almost sobbed and gently took her frail hand, placing a kiss to the back of it. 

"I'm here, Kitten. Please don't leave me again. I need you."


Andrei stared across the room at the demons who dared take the challenge to bond themselves to his daughter. There were only forty in the room, but hopefully one of them would save Alexandria

"As you all know, the previous demon has been sentenced to forever burn in the deepest pit of Hell for taking over my daughter, your princess, body. If you are afraid of failure, leave now." Twenty demons suddenly disappeared without hesitation.

"If you won't serve my daughter everything you got, leave." Ten demons disappeared. Fuck. Only ten remained, but telling by the slight trembling, eight more were about to leave.

"If you are frightened right now, leave." And there they went. Only two remained and both were warriors.

"You two are willing to go through trial?" They both nodded. 

"Very well. We're short on time. We will begin now. Step forward and plead your cases. I will choose after."


"Fuck man," his second in command gasped. Alexandria had gotten worse the two hours Andrei was gone, and was getting even more worse as the seconds went by. 

"You still gonna be attracted to her, knowing she'd look like that without her magic and shit?"

Mikel quickly left when he caught eye of Nikolay's deathly glare. The man peered down at his woman who seemed to grow older the more seconds passed. To be honest, she looked like death.

"Did you know I've been gathering up courage to put a ring on your finger? I'm... afraid you won't like it. It's just a small diamond... I may run one of the most powerful biker gangs, but money is short. Too short for the ring you deserve." Nik ran his fingers along the wrinkles marking Alexandria's flesh, his frown deepening when more would appear.

"I want to marry you, Kitten, but I can't do that if you leave me. You belong with me."

"The deed is done," a voice suddenly appeared behind Nik, making him spin around only to see Andrei.

"You found a demon!?" Andrei nodded and brought forward a dark mist that glided around his hands.

The man slowly pushed the darkness into his daughter's chest then took a few steps back, pulling Nikolay with him. Suddenly Alex arched up and screeched as the demon bonded with her body. When her eyes flashed open, Nik could hear her father sigh in relief. The wrinkles that covered her body slowly disappeared as her eyes bled red.

"Why are her eyes red? They used to be black

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"Why are her eyes red? They used to be black."

"More powerful demon. A warrior that would do anything for my daughter. Go to her. She'll be in pain as she bonds with her demon."

Nik didn't waste time. He was at her side and grabbing her hands in his.


She didn't get to reply, instead she screamed in pain and about flew off the bed. Nikolay quickly grabbed her and curled her into his arms, putting her face in his neck.

"Listen to my voice, Alexandria. Kitten. I'm here with you. Don't focus on the pain. Focus on me."

The redhead whimpered as her body withered in his hold, but she nuzzled her face further in his neck, taking in his scent.

"Did you hear me when I was talking about marrying you? Open those pretty eyes and watch as I put it on you," he whispered to her as he pulled the ring out of his pocket.

Alexandria managed to turn her head a small fraction and watched as the love of her life slid it onto her ring finger

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Alexandria managed to turn her head a small fraction and watched as the love of her life slid it onto her ring finger. She let out a sob and wrapped her arms around his neck as her body continued fighting the pain.

"I love you, Kitten. You're going to be Mrs. Nikolay Dmitrievich as soon as you're well," he kept mumbling promises to her until her body finally began to relax and she fell asleep.

"She'll sleep for quite some time. When she wakes up, she'll be starving. I'll make her some chicken noodle soup." Nik only nodded his head as Andrei left. His woman had his whole focus.

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