Chapter 12

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In Hell

Alexandria grumbled as the annoying little girl kept yapping about what her daddy was getting her for her seventh birthday. She didn't remember being this annoying when she was a child, then again no one would admit it. Too afraid to face the wrath of Andrei Romanov.

She sighed sadly and threw another stone in the small pond, watching the ripples slowly settle down before she threw another rock. She finally came to the terms that she was dead and wasn't coming back to life anytime soon. It was strangely okay with her because at least Nik and the Night Wolves would be safe. If she wasn't around, surely Gabriel would leave them in peace. She hoped at least.

In Mexico

Nikolay cracked a smile as he watched Andrei boss the men to dig faster or he'd shove the tools up their asses. The factory was gone, but now concrete and dirt stood between them and the dagger. Thirty-six hours turned to forty-two and forty-two turned to seventy-five hours. Luckily Michael was giving them tabs on Gabriel who was quite satisfied with himself. He was celebrating with fellow angels who took his side on the imaginary war. The sadness was clear in the older angel's eyes though, knowing his brother would die as soon as the dagger was found. Michael told them of how he was the one that turned Gabriel in order to keep a Mortal woman alive, the woman he loved.

"Why couldn't you just make her an angel too?"

"It's against the Holy laws. If more than one person who isn't destined to die gets changed, it sets off the scales. It's hard work balancing everything again and Gabriel knew that."

It seemed like bullshit to Nik. The Holy Laws, what a bunch of shit. He'd do anything to stay with Alex, even if it meant ending his own life. Would she be in Hell? Surely since she's Satan's daughter. Right?

In Hell

Alexandria rubbed her face when she finally got a moments peace. The younger version of her had finally yapped herself to sleep. Or to death. She didn't care as long as the annoying voice of a six year old stopped. God. If she had kids, would she get easily annoyed too? Did Nikolay even want kids? Guess she couldn't ask him now.

She stared out in the horizon, missing the sun on her face and the breeze through her hair. She's heard of people living in their own personal Hell once they die, but she at least thought she'd get some sunlight in hers. Maybe that's why she doesn't have sunlight... It saddened her only seeing darkness. No stars, moon, even a firefly. The only way she could see two feet in front of her was because of her heightened eyesight. Was that a bee? Jesus! There's bugs now!?

"God kill me now..."

"Daddy says God and Jesus are huge buttfaces!"

The little shit was awake already!?

In Mexico ;; Four Days Later

"This is annoying, Andrei. Can't we just set a bomb off. Alex has been dead for almost four days now!"

Andrei growled as the little shit kept complaining. "I know! I'm working the men as fast as they can work!" Nik kicked the ground in frustration when the men started shouting.

"Jefe! We found the case!"

The men ran down in the hole and immediately helped in pulling the case out. Andrei opened it and ran his fingers over the dagger. They got it.

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