Chapter 1

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Picture above is what Alexandria Romanov would look like.
Alexandria had just walked out of the bar when she heard bikes coming up behind her. The sound had her stopping as the memory of her kicking out members of a biker gang appeared in her head. Shit. She was in huge trouble now. And her outfit didn't necessarily let her run for cover. Her high heeled boots would slow her down, but she didn't have a choice. With a deep breath, she took off running. Moments later she could hear the leader's voice call out,

"We found her boys! First one to catch her gets to have their fun first!"

That sent the males into a frenzy. 

Alexandria tried to find a hiding spot, but the bar was on the outskirts of town - she was only surrounded by open space. She only had moments to realize there was no way out when an arm suddenly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto the bike. 

She was caught. 

Afraid who her captor was, she refused to look up at him, but a husky chuckle changed her mind. She looked up, froze, and blinked her eyes several times. How the fuck did someone so handsome get in a lowly Biker Gang? 

Her eyes trailed along his face, his neck, his very muscular chest when she saw the patch on his leather jacket. President, Nikolay Dimitrievich. Holy shit. She's been captured by the leader and telling by the smirk on his lips, he was very happy by it.


"Let me go this instant!" Nik just chuckled as the redhead over his shoulder plummeted her tiny fists against his back. Most women would be crying by now, but no, this woman abused him. "I will scream!" 

First, she was silent, now she's yelling, and she has begun shouting at him in Russian. Nik could barely keep up with how fast she was shouting, but it was obvious Russian was her native tongue and it just added to her sex appeal. 

The image of her screaming in Russian while he pounded into her cunt made a bulge appear in his jeans. 

"You know, if it wasn't me kidnapping you, it'd be another gang who probably wouldn't be as kind as I am. You should learn you can't just kick out a Biker Gang without paying the consequences, princess."

The strong Russian accent in his voice had Alexandria shuddering, but for what, she didn't know. Being from the Romanov line she was used to men throwing themselves at her just to say they fucked someone famous and rich. It made her wonder if her captor knew of her royal bloodline and what he planned on doing to her if he did. 

"You shouldn't be kidnapping me in the first place! When my father hears of this, he'll end you!" The threats that fell off her tongue didn't faze Nik in the slightest. He was quite used to being threatened, it came with the job. 

"Your father should keep a better eye on you if he doesn't want you kidnapped." 

A frustrated squeal left the Siren's lips and she went back to beating on his back. He'd never say it out loud, but her punches actually hurt a little. Her bony knuckles kept pounding away, even when he walked into his clubhouse.

"Uh, boss, there a reason why there's a bony lass over your shoulder?" 

Alexandria gasped and lifted her upper body to glare at the man. 

"I am not bony!" The man's eyes widened when he saw just who was pounding away at his boss' back. He's seen her before, all over Russia along with her father.

"Boss, can I have a word with ye?" Nik rose an eyebrow, but put the pouting woman down on a pool table and signaled two of his men to make sure she didn't run off. 

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