Chapter 10

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Four Days Later

"I miss you," Alexandria mumbled into the phone, receiving a quiet chuckle on the other side of the phone. 

"I miss you too, Kitten. Don't worry. Derek is making the final plans and we should be home in a day or two." She smiled at that. It's been terrible four days without Nikolay home with her. They had talked over the phone whenever they had time and texted for hours straight, but she still missed him terribly. It didn't make up for the cuddles and kisses she couldn't get through the phone. 

"Is the dog being good to you?"

"I can hear you!" Alex giggled softly, warming Nikolay's heart that she hadn't changed much since he's been gone. 

"He's being good, baby. Barely glares at me now."

"I haven't glared at you since Samantha slapped me for it three days ago!" Derek growled when his wife slapped him upside the head again. 

"Damn it, woman!" Alexandria and Samantha giggled at the same time.

"Maybe Samantha can teach me some tricks to keep you in line, baby." It was Nik's turn to growl as Derek laughed. 

"Sucks being on the other end, doesn't it!?" Samantha slapped him upside the head again. 

"Damn it, woman! Stop that!"

"Get down!" Suddenly an explosion went off, throwing Alexandria off the couch and into the wall across from her. She cried out when she felt a rib break, but thankfully it began healing before she got her bearings. 

"Alex!? Alex! Answer me!" She crawled over to the phone, planning on talking but cried out when a foot landed on her back, pushing her down on the floor. 

"Thought we killed you bitch. Guess I'll make sure you're dead this time!" Three shots went off and Alexandria went quiet. Nikolay's worst fear had come true. The rogue Hell's Angels were there and he was a day's ride from her.

"Get half of the fighters and warriors, war was just declared." Nikolay continued to stare at the phone, wishing, hoping his woman would pick it up, but all he heard was shouts and gunfire from the other line. He didn't even notice Derek pick him up off the chair and drag him to his bike. 

"Get it together, Nikolay! Your woman is in danger and you can't help her if you're in a trance!" Nik snapped out of it as Derek continued yelling at him. 

"Get your act together and go get your woman back!" With that, Nikolay took his men and rode like hell back to his clubhouse. Instead of taking twenty-four hours, it took fourteen. No one stopped, only to piss or get gas, but by the time they got back home, their home was burned down to ash. He watched as his home slowly crumbled, clouds of dust and ash slowly rising into the sky before disappearing. 

Nik choked back a sob as he walked around the grounds, wincing each time he saw a burnt body. His brothers... dead. He quickly went to the room him and Alex were sharing, but he didn't find a body. Just a very crisp remains of his cellphone. He fell to his knees and let out a roar, clenching his fists as he mourned the deaths of his brothers. Mikel came up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder, not saying a word, just giving his support. Bikes came up behind them, but Nik refused to move. He didn't care who it was. 


The grieving man turned and could almost sob in relief when he saw Sean. Without hesitation, Sean went to the young man and hugged him. The boy clutched at the Irishman, afraid he'd disappear too. 

"They took Alex..." The old man closed his eyes at how broken the young boss sounded. The deaths of their brothers and the kidnapping of Nik's woman, Sean would be surprised if he'd be able to be a leader right now. 

"We're going to get her back, son. I can promise ye that. I need ye to hold on till then, alright?" Nik stared out over Sean's shoulder, but he slowly nodded. Soon his emotionless mask came on and he stood up straight, ready for war. 

"Call in the Hell's Angels, we'll need their help."


Alexandria coughed up more blood as a heavy boot kicked her stomach for the fifth time. 

"Bloody nuisance." She cried out when a boot kicked her back, successfully breaking a third rib. 

"Wish we could just kill you, but our orders are to just rough you up a bit." She was starting to believe she'd never have a normal life again. If it wasn't the supernatural after her, it was enemies of Nikolay, but she'd never blame him for it. It was her decision to be with him, so it was her own fault. The men abusing her body just laughed when she continued to cry out after each kick, each stab wound. 

They had beaten her so bad that she couldn't even heal properly. Her body was too exhausted to heal itself and they knew that. She couldn't see out of her left eye and her right one was close to shutting also. She counted three broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and hip, several stab wounds to her arms and legs, and a broken nose. That was only the wounds she could feel at the moment. 

"That is enough." The redhead looked up at the new voice, grimacing when she saw who. Gabriel. 

"Thought angels were above violence, Gabe?" The man scowled and lowered himself until their noses practically touched. 

"Not if we are removing a threat." Alexandria spit at his face, covering his eyes in spit and blood mixed together. The man growled and backhanded her, successfully dislocating her jaw and making her ears ring. 

"Tie her up. I want to finish this as soon as possible." Gabriel took out his sword, the one thing that could kill other supernatural beings. Alexandria saw this and began sobbing, knowing she'd never see Nikolay again or her father. Her poor father. What was he going to do when he learned his daughter was killed? What would Nikolay do? He already lost her once. The men tied her up to a chair, leaving her chest, her heart, vulnerable and easy to get to. 

"Alexandria Romanov, you have been sentenced to death for your unholy acts on Earth. Do you have anything to say?" She hung her head in defeat, too busy saying her goodbyes to listen to him. 

"May God have mercy on your soul." Gabriel rose his sword and moved to strike her. 



Short chapter and terrible cliffhanger, sorry. 


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