Chapter 6

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Two Weeks Later

"I want Mikel to take his group to the left, cover all windows and doors. Sean, to the right. I'll take the back while Andrei takes the front. Everyone keep your eyes open for anything. There's no telling what this woman will do." 

All men nod then head out to their stations. Guns were drawn, knives hidden in case of emergency and men who would die to save the Romanov daughter. Andrei waved at his snipers in the building across the street to signal to get into position. Luckily the building his daughter was being held in was in the middle of nowhere. 

"On my count... One... Two... Three!" Everyone swarmed inside, guns blazing as they shot in any direction but no one was inside. Andrei turned a full circle, eyeing everything in the warehouse but it was empty. 

"Search the premises!" Andrei's group nodded and set out, shouting clear each time they assessed a room.

"Fuck!" Andrei threw his gun at the wall, pieces chipping and scattering everywhere. 

"I got something!" Nik was the first to run upstairs with Andrei a few seconds after. A man had his gun pointed to a woman whose back was facing them and looking outside. 

"Ma'am, I need you to turn around slowly." The brunette did so which earned gasps of surprise and shock.

"Hello husband. I'm afraid you just missed your daughter."


Alexandria watched as men paced in front of her until someone came barging into the room. With a roll of her eyes, she completely ignored her once again angry mother. 

"Why isn't she tied up? Don't you know she can easily kill you!?" She scrunched up her nose as she watched her mother yell at the men who wore bored expressions on their face. Obviously they weren't too worried about an angry woman. 

"We've made a deal. We won't tie her up if she doesn't attack us. So far she's kept her end." Alexandria gave the woman a sickeningly sweet smile and even waved her fingers at her. Samantha seethed and stepped forward to make her daughter show her respect but a hand clamped around her arm stopped her. 

"Unhand me this instant!" The man just rolled his eyes and physically dragged her out of the room then swiftly shut the door in her shocked face. 

"I think you just earned a little of my respect, Hulk man."

Alexandria had given the two nicknames. Hulk man was over six feet tall and had bulging muscles which had her pussy quivering. One weakness of hers was bulging muscles, it meant there was another muscle in his pants that bulged. The other wasn't as big but had tattoos covering every inch, except his face, of his body. It was somewhat sexy but with the Scar going down his face, she called him Scarface. He didn't seem to mind it too much, even winked at her whenever she called him it. 

"Am I a prisoner? Because I am loving this room. It's warm and cozy." Her vibrant blue eyes looked around her once more, taking in the huge fireplace on one wall, couches and recliners on another which were facing a large plasma screen TV. Her kidnapper certainly had money and he liked to flaunt it.

"Yes and no. Alejandro hasn't made up his mind yet. He's working things out with your... mother right now." 

Alexandria grimaced at the 'm' word. 

"Trust me, she hasn't been a mother to me, even before I was conceived." Hank, or his nickname Scarface, could relate. His mother disowned him before he even came out of the womb. It was lucky his uncle decided to adopt him. The man cared for him, raised him, even found him work with Alejandro. The man was more of a father figure to him. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the doors opened but instead of an angry woman, it was his boss.

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