Chapter 5

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Picture above is what Mrs. Romanov would look like.
Violence and beginning stages of rape will be heavy in this chapter. You've been warned. I will put translations from the Russian at the end of the chapter. I apologize if the Russian isn't accurate, it's not my native language so I have to guess the right words.
Halloween Night 10:12 p.m

Alexandria watched out her apartment window as children of all ages paraded down the streets in their costumes, begging for candy that would keep them up for hours. It brought a small smile on her lips when she remembered being one of those children. She always wanted to be a princess, a ballerina, and even a queen when she got a little older. 

It wasn't until she turned twelve did her father tell her she was too old to go trick or treating anymore. Alexandria threw a tantrum for a week straight. It finally stopped when her father bought her a princess dress and let her parade herself in the house for two weeks after that. Even had a crown and called everyone her loving peasants. Everyone adored the younger Alexandria, most of them didn't mind being degraded by a twelve-year-old. Especially when that child looked innocent as hell with freckles covering every inch of her face.

"Trick or treat!" Alexandria was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard several excited children at her door. She grabbed the candy bowl and opened the door to see a ghost, pirate, princess, Freddy Krueger, and even a robot. 

"Don't you all look cute!" She grinned and gave each child a handful of candy, earning several 'wows' and 'thanks lady!' She was about to shut the door when an unknown male stuck his boot in the way. Feeling her guard go up, she backed away and pulled out the gun that was tucked in a strap on her thigh. 

The male let himself in and slammed the door shut behind him. He eyed the gun in her hand and smirked at her as if he knew something she didn't. 

"You gonna use that on me, little girl? Cuz I don't think you have it in you." He stalked towards her, the smirk growing as Alexandria moved back. Normally she wouldn't waste time unleashing her bullets in his big belly, but something about him scared her, terrified her as if she was a little girl again. The sight of his yellow teeth and black eyes reminded her of nightmares she had when she was a child. Children dreamt of the boogeyman and scary clowns whereas Alexandria dreamt of men who could overpower her in seconds.

Alexandria released a gasp when his fists hit the wall on either side of her head making her jump and cower. His breath smelled like booze and rotten flesh which only had her cower away more just to get away from the disgusting smell.

"I ain't gonna do anythin too bad to you, little darlin. Just want to push you around a little, break a few things then leave." The unknown man took her gun then proceeded on hitting her against the cheek with it. She cried out as her skin split open and blood began to drip down then pool on her dress. 

"I just don't like guns. They're noisy and leave a mess." He hit her again but on the opposite side, splitting open her cheek like the other. 

"You sure are a pretty one, ain't ya?" He grabbed a fistful of her hair and reared her head back so she was staring up at him, her salty tears mixing with the blood from the open cuts. 

"I wasn't paid to do this, but I think I want a taste of that pussy of yours." The man forcefully pushed her head forward to hit her face against the wall, earning a cry from her and now the skin on the bridge of her nose to split open. It made her woozy as blood dripped from the cut and from inside her nose as dots danced in her eyesight. That was his plan, though, have her dizzy and uncoordinated so he could take her without much fight.

"N-Nik..." Alexandria whimpered, but the man continued releasing his erection then pushed the end of her dress up, grinning when all that stood in his way was flimsy underwear. With a flick of his wrist, he ripped the panties off and threw them behind him. 

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