Chapter Eighteen

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I dedicate this to @ellabellax_ because I know she's going through a lot and I want her to know that I'm here for her all the way. Luvoo <3

Nikki's POV

I was sat on the sofa crying, thinking about Nathan. I don't understand why he freaked out like that, I was just saying I forgave Ty, nothing else... Ughh, boys. Curt walked in with a big bowl of popcorn and a mug of hot chocolate, whipped cream, a flake, sprinkles and marshmellows.

'For me?' I smiled up at him and reached up for the mug and bowl.

He glared at me, 'No, bitch, get your own, you lazy pig.'

My jaw dropped.

'You douche! Can't you see how upset I am?! You selfish boy.' I scolded him.

He grunted, 'Here, have one peice of popcorn because I'm so kind.'

I leaned forward and took a peice, 'NO!' He screeched like a big girl, 'That has toffee on! Have this popcorn pip..' He handed me a popcorn pip and smiled at me. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and chucked it at his head. Well, attempted to. The toffee stuck to my hand instead and Curt flicked me in the head.


'Calm the hell -' I got interrupted by the doorbell.

'Go answer it.' Curt hissed at me.

I grunted and got up. I answered the door and stopped. Great. the last person I wanted to see was stood on my doorway, smiling sheepishly at me, his hands behind his back.

'What do you want Nathan?' I grunted.

His smile faded and he glared at me, 'I almost died saving your cat.'

My eyes widened, 'wait, whaaa?!'

His hands came from behind his back to reveal him cradling Dave.

'Oh My God, what happened?!' I shrieked, grabbing Dave and stepping outside so that Curt wouldn't overhear our conversation.

'Well, I was on my way home and I looked down your road. I was gonna come talk to ya but then I saw a ginger blob in the middle of the road and remembered you telling me about Dave...' He sighed, 'Then this van came and Dave wouldn't move so I ran into the road and almost got hit...'

Whilst he was talking, I had opened the front door and gently popped Dave into the house then shut the door again and carried on listening to him talk. When he'd finished, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a massive hug.

Nathan seemed shocked for a while then he slipped his arms around my waist and held me close.

'Thank you...' I whispered. After everything that had happened today he risked his life for a ginger cat that had a 50% chance of not even being mine. That meant a lot to me.

I pulled away from him and sighed, 'Nathan, if you'd have got hit... -'

'I didn't though,' He interrupted, 'So there's no need to think about the other possibilities.'

I ignored that remark completely. That night, after Nathan had left, I couldn't help thinking about what could have happened to him if his mission to save 'a ginger blob' from getting run over had failed. I rolled over in my duvet cucoon and sighed. I stroked Dave, who was lying next to me, fast asleep. I couldn't help thinking about what would happen if Dave had got run over too. What Nathan did was definitely what a true friend would do.

I let my mind wonder as I tried to get to sleep. I tried every sleeping choice I've ever heard of but still coudln't get to sleep. My mind just wondered straight back to Nathan. We actually hadn't spoken about earliers doings at school and there was a part of me that was aching to, another part of me glad that we hadn't. I didn't want it to be awkward between Nathan and I but I also really wanted to know why Nathan freaked. It's not like I could read his mind, despite how much I wished I could.


I woke up to my latest ringtone choice - They Don't Know About Us by One Direction (yes, I was a Directioner). I grunted as I heard it despite the fact that the song that was blaring was my favourite. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, leaned across to my bedside table and checked to see who was ringing. Ty. Wait, what? Ty?!

I let out a huge sigh through my nose so my nostrils flared very unattractively but who cares? It's not like Harry Styles was stood in my room, witnessing my nostrils flare. I looked over my shoulder just to be sure before answering the phone.

'Ty?' I said in my best I'm-not-grumpy voice.

'Good morning, I know it's saturday but I was wondering if at 6:00 tonight you'd like to retry our first date?' i heard Ty say.

I double checked the time. 7:32. WAIT. I must have been dreaming. 7:32?! Ty had called me at 7:32 to talk about 6:00 tonight?! That just put me in an even grumpier mood.

I grunted.

'Erm...' I heard Ty say.

Oh darn, he'd heard my grunt.

'Uh, yeah okay...' I answered.

'Cool, I'll see ya at 6:00 and I actually will this time. Bye.'

'Okay, bye.' I sighed and collapsed back onto my bed.

I wrapped myself back into my duvet cucoon and fell back asleep instantly. I didn't wake up until 12:47 and even then I refused to accept the fact that I wasn't asleep anymore. I got out of bed after about half an hour of attempts and went straight into the bathroom to have a shower. Curt was still asleep, his bedroom door had a sign saying 'F$%& off Nikki, I'm sleeping.'. Charming. That wouldn't be up if mum was around.


As I got into the shower and let the warm water wash over me, casting me out of my sleepy spell, I couldn't stop thinking about mum. I needed to see her, see how she was doing. Surely she should be due to come out of hospital soon?! I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and squirted a massive blob onto my hand before rubbing it into my hair, my mind still on mum. By the time I was finished in the shower, Curt was stirring.

'Curt,' I said as we both walked out of the rooms we were in at the same time.

'What?' He grunted.

'Nice sign.' I nodded in fake approval and a smirk formed on his mouth.

I walked into my room and got dressed into my matching illuminous orange pants and bra. I peeked through my blinds to look at the weather and saw it was very blowwy. Well, it was only 31 days until Christmas.

I put on deodrant and strawberry spray. I wrapped my hair up in my illuminous pink hair turben and opened my wardrobe doors. I decided to wear my black skinny jeans, navy blue strappy top, a light blue cardigan that was slightly to long in the arm for me and slip on black shoes.

I towel dried my hair with my hair turben then sat on my bed infront of my mirror and dried my hair. It went nice and straight but still had quite a bit of volume in it. I opened my purple vanity box and applyed mascara but that's all, I was going for the natural look.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a ripe banana before shouting 'bye' to Curt. I got a grunt as a reply. As usual. Making sure that my house keys and mobile phone were both in my pockets I set off to the hospital, hoping for good news, hoping to leave the hospital later on with my mum with me. I didn't once think about mine and Ty's arrangements until his mum greeted me at the hospital. it all flooded back to me and a mixture of regret for and guilt twisted inside me. I was going off of Ty and onto Nathan and even though Nathan and I weren't dating, the thought of going on a date made me feel like a betrayer, a cheater.


Sorry for not updating for a while, especailly as last chapter was a bit of a cliffhanger.

I hope you liked this chapter <3

Last chapter's photo was Logan so this week I'm going to do Dave :P

High School CrushOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora