Chapter Four

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Dedicating this to @FashionBubblex because she's been giving me tips and she was the whole reason I joined WattPad :) xx

I sat in the Science Block whispering to Charley Brookes, a girl with freckles, ginger hair and blue eyes. She was really funny and didn't like our Science teacher, Mr Ginsworth, one bit. She kept doing impressions of him behind his back and interrupting him in class whenever he said something wrong. I found him sweet to be honest, he was old and had a kind face and a bit of a stutter when he said 'g' but Charley really disagreed. I don't know why though, because he was really nice about people choosing their own seats and getting answers wrong. Some people confuse me.

'So I'd like you to g-get into a g-g-group of four, preferable two g-g-girls two boys, please.' He smiled at the class.

'Can I g-g-go in the same g-g-group as you please?' Charley mimicked.

I rolled my eyes grinning, 'Yu-huh but which two boys are we-'

'Oi Nikki!'

I spun around to see Nathan and Ty walking towards me, 'Mm...?'

'We bagsy you.' Nathan grinned.

'Damn you Nathan, I wanted to bond with the hot new girl.' A boy with black hair and green eyes glared at Nathan.

We soon got to work, disecting frogs. It wasn't nice, especially when Nathan and Ty kept mucking around and putting frog guts on each other.

'Quit messing around you freakos otherwise I'll stuff the rest of this poor innocent frogs guts into your mouths and force you to swallow them.' Charley grinned evilly.

I laughed and Nathan and Ty stopped messing around.


We were busy drawing the disected frog when I felt arms slid around my waist and a body push itself up against the back of me. I looked around and saw Nathan grinning whilst reaching over me. He let go of me and went back to drawing his frog but with a rubber this time. It felt nice having him so close to me like that but wierd at the same time. But a nice wierd. Is that wierd?

Once Science was over I walked out of the Science Lab with Nathan, Ty and Charley. The black haired boy, from earlier during Science, caught up with us and Nathan and him started chatting about things.

'Who's he?' I whispered to Ty who was closer to me than Charley.

'Ugh, Nathan and him are like super close -'

'So like best friends?' I questioned.

'Yeah I guess you could stay that. 'Is name's Logan Plot.'

'Logan...' I nodded, taking in the name.

Ty grinned at me and Logan looked sideways at me and winked. I just blushed and tried to hide my face behind my hair. Charley nudged me and laughed.

We all walked off to our own lockers and Nathan and I walked to ours in silence. When we reached our lockers I had to break the silence, it was too annoying, 'Nathan, what's wrong?'

'Nothing.' Nathan replied bluntly.

'Really? Why don't I believe that?'

'Because you're you?' Nathan didn't wink or smirk or even look slightly amused, he was serious.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Use your brain Nikki, it's not difficult.'

I frowned, 'Why are you being like this?'

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