Chapter Nine

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Dedicating this to Ellabella_ for reasons I don't want to say outloud on here. Ella, this is for you so in some parts listen, maybe it can help you? I hope so, remember that I'll always be here for you and that I'll always love you (as a best friend) no matter what happens. <3 luvoooo x

'I mean, you'll always have that guilt inside of you but you weren't to know. He didn't tell you the reasons before he left so you're obviously going to think what anybody else would think - he's given up on you and doesn't love you anymore. You can hardly blame yourself, Nikki.' Jenna comforted me as I told her everything that had happened the night before.

'I shouldn't have left him with that memory of me, I should have listened to what he was saying, calmed down, but I didn't. I raged and said things I didn't mean and now it's getting to me so bad I might go into depression.' I sobbed.

'Calm down, it's hard at first but things always get better. When you hit rock bottom you can't get anymore down, you can only go upwards. I'll always be here for you if you need to talk or need a shoulder to cry on.' Jenna reassured me.

'Thank you.' I sniffed.

Again, we were basking in the sun, lying in our favourite place. It was just us two so I could open up but Nathan, Ty and Logan came and sat down next to us after a while so mine and Jenna's deep conversation had to stop.

'Why do you girls always come and lie here?' Ty asked.

'Because it's our favourite spot. Why do you guys always come and ruin it?' Jenna retorted.

'Because that's just how we roll.' Ty glared at Jenna then winked at me.

I could feel my cheeks blushing. Nathan just rolled his eyes and coughed 'cheesy' but I ignored it. I liked Ty. But I liked Nathan. I hadn't really had time to think about who I liked more, if I like either of them in a crush way. For the rest of the school day I kept daydreaming about them both.

Nathan is hot and kind but also OTT and sensitive.

Ty is hot and funny and really cool.

But Nathan doesn't flirt with just any girl.

But Ty doesn't get stupidly sensitive over nothing.

But Nathan doesn't use girls.

But Ty doesn't flirt with a girl then say it was a mistake.

Or does he?


As we were walking home Logan decided to ask a question...

'Do you two want to come to this foresty place?'

'Who with?' I asked.

'Ty, Nathan, me... We don't want it to get too crowded ... That's happened before and it didn't really work out.'

'What would we do down there?' Jenna questioned.

'There's a lake, stepping stones, a really nice view. Last time we played frisbee, went paddling, blah, blah, blah... Can you come?'

'It's fun.' Nathan joined in.

'Picnics, water fights, blah de blah...'

'When?' Jenna asked, 'Because I've got a really busy schedule.'

I choked. On air.

Jenna glared at me, 'It's true.'

I just grinned.

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