Chapter Ten

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Some of the emotions and feelings in this have been written from experience, from how I feel... x

I freaked out, 'Was it serious? Was it like a heartattack?'

Curt shrugged, 'I don't know, Nikki. All I know is that you caused this.'

It felt like I had just been hit in the stomach. Hard.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't think -'

'Yeah, you obviously didn't think at all about the consiquences of not telling anyone where you are. You didn't even think to phone? Not even a text?' Curt exclaimed.

'I was.... Busy.' I sniffed.

'Busy? It doesn't even take two minutes to send something simple like ''not coming home until late'' or ''be home later'' - you're just a selfish brat, Nikki. A selfish brat that I'm ashamed to be related to.' Curt saunters into the lounge and slam the door behind him, leaving me with tears running down my cheeks at 100 miles an hour, hair sticking to my face, a sore throat (from crying) and really hurt feelings.

I ran upstairs and jumped into the shower. I shower every morning, I know, but I was wet, cold, upset, dirty and snotty so I decided to take another shower. I stripped off and dashed under the warm water, warming my body up. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks but I washed them away, grimacing at the snot that came with it. Ew. I washed my hair and applyed extra conditioner to untangle my tangled hair. I washed my face with spot repelling face wash which really did the trick. I only got spots if I forgot to wash my face which I rarely did so my facial-life was alright. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped my cripsy towel around myself. I walked into my bedroom and saw a picture of my mum, my dad, Curt and myself when we were younger sat on my desk. Tears began cascading down my face yet again so I rummaged around my room and found my phone. I browsed through my playlist songs and clicked on my Eminem favourite, Love The Way You Lie Feat. Rihanna. I hummed along with Rihanna's solo then began rapping Eminem's. I'd sat down one day when I was really bored and learnt the words, word for word. I know, I'm a saddo. I got dressed into pj's and slipped my slippers on. I towel dried my hair, brushed it, dried it with my hair dryer, brushed it again then went downstairs to rummage around in the kitchen. I looked in the freezer and found a cheesy bake so I heated it up in the microwave before scoffing it down. I filled up a glass with lemonade and opened the lounge door, slowly.

I poked my head round the slightly open door and whispered, 'Can I come in?'

Curt looked at me with red eyes so I knew he'd been crying, 'Yeah.' He sighed.

I came in and sat down next to him.

'I'm sorry.' We said in unison.

'It's not your fault Curt, you weren't the reason she fainted. I take it we can't go and see her?'

'No allowed. I know, but I shouted at you and I know that you're finding this as hard as I am, maybe more.'

'The last thing I did to him was stick my middle finger up in him...' I whispered.

'We all did some pretty mean things to him, it wasn't just you.'

'Curt, he died and the last thing that he could think about his family was how horrible we were to him.' I cried.

'Stop...' He whispered.

We sat in silence, watching Soccer A.M.


'Nikki, Nikki, wake up. Mum's home.'

I bolted up.

Mum was back? She was alright?

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