Chapter Three

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This is dedicated to @_cocacola_ because she was really kind and supportive towards me and my story, so thank you a lot and I hope you like this dedication! xxx

I stood under our porch, hand in the air, trying to make myself knock on the door but I couldn't. Why? Because i didn't like being told off therefore I was scared. I knew my mum would have a go at me and I didn't want another argument but I knew there would be one. Unless I just slept out here? No actually. Next door's lion cat would probably try to eat me whilst I was asleep. I walked backwards down the steps, away from the door as if it was some huge monster. I fell because of my ankle and whimpered in pain. Again. I got up and walked back up the steps. What was the point in that?

Just do it. Knock. What's the worse that will happen?

I let the knocker, that I was holding in mid air, fall and hit the door and I proceeded in doing this for a while until I heard footsteps coming up to the door. I held my breath. The door opened wide and my mums face, now pale, stared at me, 'Nikki! Get in, now! Oh my little baby! You're alive! You could have died! You could have been ambushed, harrassed, kidnapped, raped, murdered! Anything could have happened to you Nik-'

'Why didn't you come out and look for me then?!' I demanded, my 'scared-of-being-told-off' phobia now disappearing.

'You don't think I tried? You must be kidding me! I went out looking for you for an hour!' Mum exclaimed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

'Not hard enough.' I huffed.

'What do you want me to say Nikki? Sorry? Would that make you happy?'

'Yes actually, it would because I don't like being told to go away. Especially BY YOU!'

Mum sighed, 'I'm sorry...'


'I was rude and I didn't take any interest in your first school day and I'm sorry okay Nikki? I'm sorry for being a terrible mother but I have my excuse!'

'And I don't want to hear it.' I crossed my arms across my chest.

'Good because I wasn't going to tell you.'

I unfolded my arms, 'What is it?' I asked.

'Nikki, I'm not saying. Yet, anyway. You and Curt will find out when it's confirmed but until then please go easy on me.' Mum pleaded.

'Why?!' I whined, 'When what is confirmed?'

'Give me a break Nikki! I -'

My stomach interrupted my mums speech because at that point it made a low, rumbling noise that sounded like our dishwasher.

'Of course,' Mum sighed again, 'You didn't have any dinner did you?'

'No.' I pouted, 'And I feel sick with hunger...'

'I'll make you some toast and hot chocolate, will that help?'

'Very much so.' I smiled.

'And will it make you forgive me?'

'Very much so.' I repeated.

'Good.' Mum beamed at me and we headed into the kitchen. Mum took out the bread from the cupboard and popped 3 slices into the toaster. Whilst we were waiting for the bread to transform into toast, mum made us both hot chocolate with a flake, marshmallows and whippy cream. Best 'sorry' present ever!

'Thank you.' I smiled as she handed me my hot chocolate and toast. I wolfed the toast down whilst mum was telling me about rapers and how I could have been murdered and how worried she was that I'd 'run away'. Once my toast was done and my stomach was satisfied with food, I pulled the flake out of my hot chocolate, along with a couple of marshmellows and ate them before drinking it without stopping to breath. After that I felt slightly sick but ignored the feeling and slumped up the stairs to brush my teeth and fall asleep. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before tiptoeing along the hallway and into my bedroom. I climbed onto my bed and wrapped the duvet over my body, making my famous cucoon duvet where only my eyes poked out of the top. Mum walked in and kissed my forehead whispering, 'Good night' and then I passed out.

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