Chapter One

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Dedicating this to @SmileForeverWithMe - thank you for being so nice to me! x

Once first lesson was over and I'd grabbed my stuff, I walked out of the classroom. Nathan had actually been really nice, we got on well during that one hour. He was constantly cracking jokes and making me laugh, occasionally getting me told off for laughing a little bit too loud but that wasn't really his fault. He helped me with my work and turns out he isn't the full on asshole I thought he was. I opened my locker and plonked a load of books and a peice of homework I'd recieved onto one of the shelves.

'How was first lesson then?' A cool voice whispered in my ear.

I spun round only to see Nathan leaning against his locker, his hazel eyes looking into mine, 'Not as bad as I thought it'd be.' I grinned, shutting my locker gently.

Nathan leant forward. It was a nice feeling, looking up into his brown, hazel eyes as they looked back into mine, 'I didn't realise you'd be this...' he whispered, stopping and staring at me, gesturing with his hands. I didn't get it.

'This...?' I whispered back as I felt his hand sliding around my waist.

'This cool. No offense but I thought you'd be an annoying bitch like pretty much all the other girls here.'

'Well I'm glad you don't think I am.' I smiled.

He smiled back, 'I was wondering -'

'Oi Nathan!' A voice called, 'Get your ass over here!'

We both turned our heads to see who had spoken and saw the blonde boy, Ty, walking towards us, grinning. I pulled myself out of Nathan's half-hug.

'Nikki right?' Ty beamed at me. He was now stood next to Nathan, his blonde hair sexily falling over one of his blue eyes.

'Yep,' I smiled, popping the 'P', 'And you're Ty, aren't you?'

He nodded and winked.

'Dude! What the hell is it?' Nathan burst.

Ty looked taken aback then rolled his eyes at me, making me giggle, 'Some girls over there want you.'

Nathan sighed, 'K, see ya Nikki.'

'Bye Nathan.'

Nathan walked off so that it was just me and Ty.

'Do you like him?' Ty asked.

'No.' I frowned.

'You do.'

'What the hell?'

A smirk appeared on Ty's face, 'Just admit it.'

'No! Because it's not true!'

'Do you like me?'


'So you do!'

'No! I don't get it!'

'You love me and Nathan. Good to know.' Then Ty walked off. #What #The #Hell?

I stood by my locker in a daze.

What did that mean?!

'Nikki, are you alright? You look... Possessed...' That voice belonged to the green eyed girl who saved my butt from Nathan when he was being a jerk.

'Its funny really...' I sighed.

'What is?' The green eyed girl frowned.

I shook my head, waking myself up from my day dream, 'Sorry,' I smiled, 'Day dreaming - I have a problem with that...'

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