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Alan had always had trouble with his sleeping, he was restless a lot of the time. He doubted Austin would really fix his sleeping habits, but he couldn't complain. Austin cared, and that meant the world to Alan.

Hopefully whatever they did end up doing would be better than a restless night. Well, it would be better, definitely, Austin always cheered him up.

It was the last period of the day for both boys, and they we're both looking forward to the night that awaited.

Alan rubbed his temples, annoyed at the slight headache that Math had given him. He was good at the subject, but he disliked the people in the class with him. Annoying kids, popular kids, no one he really fit in with.

It was always loud in this Math class. Everyone was restless, sick of the school week. Alan was too, but he wasn't going to whine about it, he wasn't like that. He'd just whine about it in his head, it worked for him.

The teacher yelled every few minutes or so for the class to shut up, and get the work done, but Alan had barely done a question and was too tired to even bother on the next.

Signing, he pushed his work to the front of his desk. 30 more minutes until he had a night with Austin, only 30 minutes.


When the bell rang, Austin leaped out of his chair. He wanted to meet Alan at his class, which was only a few buildings away from where he was, thankfully.

He left his classroom in a rush, he was looking forward to spending time with Alan. He was head over heals for the boy.

Austin reached Alan's classroom in a matter of seconds, before Alan had even left the classroom. He was too quick to get there, but that just meant he would easily find Alan.

Alan walked out of the classroom, a faint headache still in place. He had hopes that the headache would be gone by the time he saw Austin. Or he could just take a panadol, whichever way worked best.

He saw Austin leaning on a wall nearby, and relief flooded him, the headache had disappeared already.

Austin caught sight of Alan and grew an eager expression; then bolted to where Alan was. He didn't know if he was going to hug him or not, but as Alan fell into Austin's arms immediately, Austin grinned, gripping Alan almost too tight.

Alan enjoyed hugs from Austin, they were always warm and comforting and he could probably fall asleep easily within Austin's arms at this moment.

"Hey." Austin spoke, trying to keep the excitement from his voice. It didn't work out, because Alan thought he sounded like an excited puppy.

Alan smiled up to Austin, "Hello." Austin could hear how tired Alan was through his voice, but he didn't mind, and Alan didn't even realise how tired he actually was.

"You ready for possibly the best night?" Austin spoke, as the two walked down the near empty school halls.

Alan managed a small laugh, "As ready as I'll ever be."

As the halls were mostly empty, Austin laced his fingers with Alan's. Alan's hands were cold, yet Austin's were warm. Alan noticed the difference, and scoffed, "Opposites attract?" Austin laughed, grinning. "Course, love."

"Do you have a plan for whatever we are going to do tonight?"

Austin shrugged as a response. "Not reallllly."

"You sure?" Alan spoke, leaning into Austin's arm, hoping for a definite answer.

"Just cause you're cute doesn't mean I'm gonna tell you the master plan."

Alan laughed as they reached the outside of the school.

They kept small talk going before they reached Austin's old beat up car. "Let's start the best night now, yeah?"

(i am so sorry this is so late and so shit shoot me)
(read my new book wonderless it's cashby)

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