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next day;

austin: bbe aer yo on
austin: *babe are you online

olan ashby: don't call me babe
olan ashby: or bbe
olan ashby: or bae, especially not bae
olan ashby: and s2g if you call me sweetie

austin: why ur probs a total babe

olan ashby: u keep thinking that
olan ashby: why did u message me I don't want to talk to u

austin: I will ! :)
austin: honest much I thought we where friends

olan ashby: u messaged me yesterday we talked for like 5 minutes
olan ashby: then u proceeded to annoying the living fuck out of me for after that

austin: your point?
austin: were going to be friends

olan ashby: no were not

austin: oh ok
austin: I'll just date u was gonna anyway!! xxxx<3

olan ashby: I'm straight shut the fuck up

austin: oh yes! and I'm will smith
austin: sorry lov I'll stop

olan ashby: love? ?? r u British

austin: no but u said not to call u babe

olan ashby: aw dam british people are usually hot !

austin: u dnt even know what I look like!
austin: jk your finger nail is probs hotter than me

olan ashby: aw dont say that
olan ashby: here look at me im an ugly red head

-picture on side

austin: I THIN IM HAVI A HEARTattqfke

olan ashby: wtf r u k there did I crack ur screen
olan ashby: what did I say about swearjng

austin: olan you're really hot
austin: like I saved that photo and ur gonna be my lock screen

olan ashby: no I'm not
olan ashby: don't d that
olan ashby: yuck why r u makng me your lock screen

austin: because you're the most attractive human being I've seen, princess

olan ashby: doubt it

austin: I swear on my life:) x
austin: anyway princess ive gtg school now!

olan ashby: so do I bye austin

austin: BYE LOVE, LOVE YOU:)<<3 xxxxxx

olan ashby: I'm straight

austin: that's what they all say before they meet me ;)

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