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[the date;;]

alan: hurry up and arrive I'm nervous asf

austin: im getting in my car bb calm down

alan: I'm not gonna text u when driving talk once ur here ily

austin: ilyt :)

austin's point of view

To say I was nervous would be an understatement, to be honest I think I'm going to crash my car into his house. I slowly reversed out of my driveway, and headed in the direction to Alan's place. It actually wasn't to far from my house, I mean I could walk there, but driving was easier and took less than 10 minutes.

I arrived quickly, and immediately turned down the song playing, I didn't want to scare him off with slipknot. I text him quickly, saying I had arrived, and within seconds the door opened.

He walked out, looking perfect as ever, and sat beside be me in the car. My stomach was tied in knots, and I had a grin on my face that I simply couldn't get rid of.

"Hey." He spoke softly, and I think I melted. I mean, I had only spoken with Alan a few times and I felt like attached to him "Hello, love." I smiled, and his cheeks flushed a warm red. "Awh babe your cheeks, that's incredibly cute." I spoke, and he rolled his eyes a little, cheeks growing a brighter red. "Shut up." He spoke, glaring at me. "You're so mean to me." I sighed, turning to face him a little more, placing my forehead on his. His eyes were still open, and he looked at me directly. He closed them, then moved his lips towards mine.

Our lips connected quickly, and moving in sync, for a few seconds. I pulled away slowly, a grin set upon my features that I simply couldn't get rid of.

"So, where are you taking me?" Alan asked, as I pulled out of his drive way and on to the road. "Well, I'm not completely sure. I think we could have an unplanned date and make it more fun than a normal date." I shrugged, tapping my finger on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. "Only you would think of something like that." Alan chuckled, shaking his head. "Can you turn the music up? I can barely hear it." Alan sighed, smiling. "Do you like slipknot?" I laughed, but Alan seemed happy with the choice. "Wow I chose the right guy to go gay for." He mumbled, turning up the current song, 'eyeless'.

I didn't exactly know where I was going, but I was following back streets, and the sun to wherever it lead us. "Hey, I have an idea for somewhere." Alan spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had filled the car. I 'hmmed' in response, and he started to explain. "There's this really old playground quite far inland, and it look haunted or something but it has one of those spinning thin-"

"Spinning things?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, the things you sit on and they spin." Alan confirmed, grinning.

"A merry-go-round?" I asked him, but he shook his head.

"No, those are at carnivals. But they're like that." He laughed.

"Oooh! Those things that you hold and run then jump on?" I spoke, realization hitting me.

"Yeah! I'll have to drive there though." Alan frowned.

"Well do have a drivers license?" I asked, and he nodded, but kept a frown.

"Its still illegal though." He pointed out, but I shurgged.

"Were going to an old playground in the middle of no where, I don't think we'll get caught, babe." I laughed.

"Yeah I guess so," he grinned, laughing. "Oh, and pizza too please." He asked, and I nodded in agreement.

"Pizza then abandoned park? Sounds good." I smiled, laughing.

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