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austin: you made my day really fucking amazing babe x

alan: you made me smile so many times omf aus10 :)))))

austin: is aus10 by any chance ur way of say 'babe'

alan: yeah basically lol

austin: why don't u just say babe silly x

alan: bc im alan ashby x

austin: u said that the first time we spoke
austin: but without the x

alan: rlly
alan: nice memory BABE

austin: haha thanks princess
austin: alan can we b real for a sec

alan: sure what's up?

austin: I think I want to tell you about my drinking

alan: you sure? I know its a sensitive topic

austin: I trust you alan :)

alan: I trust you too :))

austin: anyway
austin: a few years back I started drinking bc of my mother

alan: what happened with your mother?

austin: she got sick, but she is still alive :)

alan: ok that's good! :)

austin: but the drinking got worse
austin: and I hit a really bad point in my life
austin: I was on mulitiple drugs, and was drinking too much, and I was barely 16
austin: and it was wrong
austin: and that was the lowest of my lows; I tried to commit suicide.

alan: oh my god austin

austin: please don't treat me differently

alan: austin, I'm so proud of you, you're still here

austin: you're proud of me?

alan: yes, why wouldnt I be? austin you beat an addiction, and you're still alive here today talking to me

austin: you're making me feel so amazing right now
austin: no one has ever really told me they're proud of me

alan: you've got me to now :)

austin: I really appreciate you alan x :)

alan: I supposed I should tell you more about my sad side now?

austin: if you feel up to it, I'm not going to force you to the me anything. I understand that type of stuff is hard to speak about x

alan: I might leave it for another day then?
alan: its just hard; it feels like I'm confronting myself.

austin: I get it, don't worry

alan: thank you austin x

austin: no problem love, just one question

alan: hit me with ur best shot aus10

austin: wanna come over & cuddle

alan: I'd be crazy to say no
alan: can you come get me

austin: be there in a heartbeat, just need your address olan x

alan: *insert address here*

austin: see you in about 10, love you x

alan: love you x

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