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small update cos 22 is huge :

4:28 am

alan: im really hoping that you're asleep,
alan: cause I just wanted to say a few things, for you to wake up to.
alan: id just like to say thank you, most of all, because youve helped me through a lot, without knowing it.
alan: ive decided to tell you about my "dark side" or whatever we called it
alan: but I just didn't want to tell it to you, whilst you were online and awake.
alan: okay, here we go.
alan: you see, I have severe depression, that I have been struggling with for a few years now
alan: and it's hard; I have tried to take my life 3 times, now.
alan: sometime I just don't know why, but it's how it is for me, and it hasn't gotten better, only worse.
alan: as you would have probably noticed, it effects my sleep too. I don't sleep well, I have rough nights, I get night terrors. I also rarely sleep too, and that effects my every day life
alan: I am not allowed any sort of medication for these things, bc my mum won't allow me to, which is fucked
alan: nothing was really working to help me, at all, really
alan: until you started talking to me, aust, youve really helped me.
alan: of course you haven't magically cured me, but, fuck, you just make me smile, and I'm not used to it.
alan: just thank you, so much, austin.
alan: I hope you don't react badly to this; you're the first person I've ever opened up to about this.
alan: but I will try and sleep now, you'll be here in a few hours.
alan: goodnight xx

read at 8:16am

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