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later that night

alan: austin? are you still up?

austin: yes I am awake, I fell asleep early & look I up

alan: ah I haven't slept

austin: rlly? but its like 4am x

alan: I know, I have a really bad sleeping pattern :(

austin: yeah, maybe you should go see someone about it?xxxx

alan: no
alan: I mean its nothing to worry about

austin: its up to you :)
austin: anyway, what's ur favorite movie

alan: well that's a bit random lol

austin: it is, but I want to get to know u more :)

alan: fair enough
alan: edward scissor hands

austin: the one with johnny depp???

alan: yeah I really love it

austin: I really love johnny depp lol he's hot

alan: ugh ur so gay

austin: I know love :)

alan: ugh ur also never going to stop calling me love

austin: speaking of calling!
austin: can we talk on the phone yet
austin: I want to Skype too!!

alan: I haven't made Skype yet lol
alan: but we can talk if you want

austin: ReAllY

alan: yeah, I'm pretty sure you're nor some pedofile now

austin: finally thank god
austin: when can we call princess

alan: don't call me that
alan: and whenever u like

austin: now?

alan: if you want, what's your phone number

austin: ur making my heart race again ashby
austin: (+insertphnumber)

alan: okay I'll make a contact then call u x

austin: alan omg

alan: yes?

austin: 'then call u x'
austin: u put an x an the end
austin: I knEW YOU LOVED ME

alan: I won't hesitate to delete your number

austin: nononono pls call me
austin: your voice is probably rlly sexy

alan: lol no
alan: now shut up, I'm going to call u

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