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I was getting adopted, she couldn't have been serious. This whole thing couldn't have been real. I felt sick, happy, and upset at the same time. I was happy to finally be getting out of here, but then again I was upset about leaving my friends and boyfriend behind. I was happy that I was getting adopted by a family that looked very- hopefully- sweet and kind, but then I felt like I was betraying my mom although she left me here.

"I'm what?" I questioned, making sure I heard them right. Halsey continued to smile sweetly.

"You're getting adopted, sweetie." She said, Officer McKinnon grinned at me from where he was stood, leaning against the wall.

"Why don't you go gather your things while they finish up here and come back when you're done." Miss McDougall suggested, smiling at me too.

"Am I supposed to be leaving today?" I asked almost incredulously, Halsey shook her head at me.

"No, you're leaving tomorrow afternoon after you get back from school, so that gives you time to gather your belongs properly." She said. All I could do was nod as Miss McDougall ushered me lightly out the door. I was still in so much shock as I climbed the stairs, heading up to my room that I shared for so months with Kellin and Jaime. I barely registered my movements as I grabbed my bag that was still in the closet and began to stuff my clothes, laptop and all my other essentials inside it. Just like the first day I arrived here, I didn't have much, and I still didn't...well, maybe a few of Austin's sweatshirts and sweatpants, but even that wasn't much.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kellin asked, looking down at me where I was sat in front of the closet, zipping up my bag.

"Um, I'm- I'm getting adopted." I said. The words felt so weird coming out of my mouth.

Kellin's jaw dropped slightly and his shoulders slumped as he looked at me. I could see his eyes filling up with tears as he continued to stare, and I knew before long, I, too, would probably cry.

"You're leaving?" He asked, barely above a whisper. His voice cracked slightly and I couldn't contain the tears filling up in my eyes either. All I could do was nod as I grabbed my bag from the floor and tossed it to my bed.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I said, my bottom lip quivering.

"Y-You can't though. You just- you can't leave." Kellin whimpered, the tears in his eyes now falling. My words got choked back as I pulled him into a hug. He was my best friend, now. I didn't want to leave him, or any of them for that matter.

"I know. I'm going to miss you." I said, pulling away and wiping my eyes.

"You better come back and hang out with us like, all the time, or I swear I will find you and beat you up." He said, he too wiping at his eyes. I grinned and hugged him one more time before we pulled away completely and went back downstairs. I headed back to the Questioning Room where John and Samantha were talking to Halsey. Sergeant McKinnon came over to me, slapping a hand down on my shoulder.

"Why do you look so down, kid? You should be excited, you're finally getting a second chance with a family who will love you and care for you." He said, I bit down on my lip and shook my head, watching and John and Samantha continued to talk to Halsey.

"I don't want to leave my friends...I don't want to leave Jaime or Kellin o-or..." I trailed off as my eyes began to water again as I thought about Austin. I for sure didn't want to leave him.

"Hey, you're going to see them again, it's not like you're moving across the state or the country," Sergeant McKinnon assured me. "If anything, you'll just be leaving this side of town for the much nicer side."

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