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"So, Alan, do you play any instruments?" John asked me. He and his wife were seated across from me, warm smiles on their stupid faces. Once again I found myself sitting in the room where the possible adopted child and possible foster parents sat.

I didn't like these people, only because they were too nice to me. They were better than my parents and I didn't like it. Samantha, the wife, seemed like the typical house wife, caring for the children and the home, but she also worked as a pharmacist. John was the manager of some sort of business that was in the city. They already had two children that were eight and twelve that they had adopted a year ago from here.

"Guitar, I guess," I shrugged. I didn't want to be in here, I don't know why they couldn't see that, or maybe they did and just ignored it.

"Oh, wow, what do you-"

"Where the fuck is he?!" A loud, booming voice shot out through the orphanage house, cutting Samantha off. I could hear the front door slamming open and lots of commotion. "I want to know where that fucker is!" They sounded angry...and very familiar.

I could feel myself freezing in my spot as I held my breath as if that would help. Thoughts ran through my mind, my heart beginning to race quickly as the loud footsteps stomped towards the door of the room that I was in.

"Sir, you cannot just come in and-"

"Shut the fuck up! I want to know where he is! I know that bitch was here, so I know the boy is here too, now tell me!" His screamed, once again cutting someone off. I could hear Miss McDougall telling him to leave but what good did that do when the next second the door was being swung open and there he stood, the man I feared my entire life, seething as he stared me down. Samantha and John left the room in a panic, leaving me here with him.

"Did you really think you could get rid of me boy?! You really thought that bars could hold me back? I'm going to fucking finish what I started that night." He growled and the next second he was across the room, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt before slinging me down to the ground. All breath left my lungs, and I laid there, wheezing and begging for someone, just something to get this crazy bastard away from me.

"You're so fucking worthless!" He spat at me, picking me up again and throwing me towards the ground again. The second hurt worse than the first and this time I was panicking as I couldn't breathe this time.

I was beginning on the inside for someone to help me, just anybody to hear the commotion that was going on in this tiny room.

I groaned loudly, curling up as a blow was delivered to my side. This  was literally hell. I had gone months without having to endure this and it came back. What did I do to deserve this? Was I just a terrible human being that no matter what I did, people wanted to beat me for it?

The pain started to become unbearable. Every time I tried to move away, he'd kick me harder and harder until I was finally screaming, begging for him to stop or something to happen. The kicks just became harder and the punches began. I was groaning, crying and screaming, trying my best to get away but I couldn't. This felt like a nightmare come true, I wanted this to be a dream honestly, but the pain was so real.

"You're fucking worthless!" He shouted at me again, kicking me so hard that I heard something crack causing me to roll over and grasp my side as I cried. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt again, holding me up right, but I slumped anyways. "Tell me boy because I'm curious, did you really think you could rid of me?"

"L-Let me go," I begged, gasping for air. It hurt so much to breathe.

"Why should I? I've spent four months in a prison cell, you're lucky I found some people to help me escape and you're even luckier that I managed to get a ride here without being caught. I'm here to finish what I began you piece of shit and I intend to fully do that." He said, and with that, he shoved me into a wall and began at it again, kicking me, punching me until I tasted blood. The taste was so familiar, I almost missed it.

At this point my head was spinning and I couldn't tell which was up or down, the room was spinning and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Nothing was right and no one was here to help me, or so I thought. Three blue uniformed officers stormed into the room, yelling things I could understand because they sounded so far away. One of the three I recognized as Sergeant McKinnon who was quickly by my side, trying to get me to focus on him. By this point I was beginning to see dots and I began to panic as the first thought that crossed my mind was that I was in fact, going to die.

"Focus on me kid, you're going to be okay." He told me before turning back to the other two officers who had that bastard of a father pinned against the wall as they searched him and cuffed him then dragged him out of the room. As soon as they left, Austin and Kellin came barging into the room, looking at me with both concern and panic.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay, I repeated over and over in mind although I wasn't so sure, it felt like I was barely breathing and every little movement and touch hurt me so much that I groaned in pain.

"Come on kid, focus on me, okay? An ambulance is on the way, you're going to be just fine." Sergeant McKinnon told me, I felt myself nod as I watched him stand up only to be quickly replaced with Austin who looked so angry and hurt and...he looked as if he could cry at any moment. Guess I looked that bad.

Soon enough there were sirens approaching and paramedics flooded into the room, pushing Austin out of the way so they could get to me. They tried to move me from where I was, curled up in the corner of the room, but it hurt so much when they touched me. They kept telling me to calm down, but it was useless, the more they maneuvered me around the harder I cried and the more I was ready to black out.

"Just bear with us kid, I know it hurts but we've got to get you to the hospital." One of the paramedics told me. I didn't respond, I couldn't. In one fluid motion they were picking me up and laying me on the stretcher while I cried out in pain. They carried me outside to where the flashing lights were and my head began to spin even more.

I'm okay.

The paramedics put me into the ambulance and closed the doors. One began to already rip my shirt open to access where some of the damage was. It was beginning to become harder to breathe now and it was the hardest thing ever to stay focused on the other paramedic who told me to focus on him, but I couldn't. My eyes began to grow heavy and every breath I took it felt like my last as the darkness drew near.

My eyes finally closed and I let the darkness consume me.

I'm okay...I'm okay...I'm okay... I'm...okay...


Hi how's your day and weekends? I'm tired but I got an update so yeah c:

This story has gotten 1k+ reads and that's fantastic because all of you awesome and nice and I love you all, so thanks. Have a very awesome weekend and yeah

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