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I didn't know whether to be shocked or angry, or if it were possible to have both those emotions combined. Whatever I was feeling, it made my eyes water and my bottom lip tremble. She was actually here, or at least I thought she was. I could be dreaming, but I didn't want it to end.

"My baby boy," she cried, walking over to me with her arms wide and a crying smile on her face. She wrapped me up tight in a hug and cried, I cried too because for five, almost six years I haven't seen her.

"You've grown up so much." She said, pulling away and sniffing. "I can't believe you've gotten so handsome." I grinned weakly and rubbed my eyes with the sleeves of my jacket I had on.

"I hear you have friends and they've been so nice to you." She told me, I nodded as she pulled away.

"Please tell me you're here to take me from this place." I said softly. I watched as her face fell and she gave me a sorrowful look. That look was something she gave me the day when the court case was filed and she and my dad were finally divorced. I had asked if I was coming with her and she looked so...torn and broken and I could never forget it for the rest of my childhood.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," she told me softly and I flinched from her touch, pulling away from her like she was fire.

"Why not? I-I hate it here! I-I don't c-care if I made n-new friends! I do-don't want to be with another f-family!" I screamed. My mom looked so heartbroken.

"I know baby, but I-"

"Why did you even come here?! To tournament me with the thought that j-just maybe I-I would actually g-get to be leaving?!" I couldn't take another moment being in that stupid room. I turned and left out, ignoring the pleading cries for me to come back. I went upstairs and went into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door shut before sliding down it and crying my eyes out. My chest ached with sobs as I pulled my knees up. I heard Kellin outside the bathroom, banging on the door and begging me to let him in, but I wouldn't. I couldn't trust myself with opening that door, fearing that my mom was standing there right him. I didn't want to see her anymore. I didn't want to see her because I knew that she'd just tell me she would try and then she never would. She's told me too many times that she'd try and fix it all but nothing was ever fixed. It was always made worse.

"Go away!" I screamed when Kellin wouldn't stop beating on the door. I could hear commotion outside and eventually it went quiet, thankfully.

I sat on the bathroom floor, my knees pulled up high to my chest and my head resting on them while tears poured. The sons had subsided by now and I was just feeling numb. I hated being here. I didn't care if I had friends now. The thought of being with a new family who could just turn out like my dad terrified me. I didn't want to be hurt anymore, I was already dealing with enough as it was. I could barely make it through the night without some dreadful thought or nightmare. Who would want a broken down child?

The window above the toilet slid open and I pushed myself into the corner between the door and the wall. Whoever this was, whatever they wanted, I wondered if they'd hurt a crying teenager. People were crazy these days, anything could happen. The person pushed their feet through the window and found footing on the closed lid of the toilet and pushed the rest of their body in. I sighed in relief when I saw who it was but quickly became angry when I realized why he was here.

"I'm not going out there! I don't even know why you came in here in the first placed." I snapped. Austin rolled his eyes and closed the window.

"I just climbed two fucking stories for you and the least you could do is he grateful I even came in here." He snapped right back at me. I rolled my eyes and stared down at the floor. I heard him sigh and before long he was sitting down beside me, making me become squished.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, even if you were being an asshole first." He said, I glanced at him before looking back at the floor.
"Why are you here?" I whispered.

"Because you've locked yourself in a bathroom, not letting anyone in and I'm concerned about you." He said softly. "You don't even have to talk to me, I just want to know you're okay."

"I'm fine," I said softly. "I'm just really angry."

"And that's okay, but locking yourself away and pushing everyone from you isn't something you should be doing. Your mom, before I came in here, was in tears. She wanted me to tell you she's sorry and-"

"I don't want to be here," I whimpered, interrupting him. "I-I don't want t-to find myself s-somewhere else ot-other than with my m-mom, a-and I know that s-sounds rude because y-you're stuck here too, b-but I ha-hate the thought of having a-another family." I cried. Austin scooted over some and pulled me away from the corner I was squished in. He allowed me to crawl into his lap and let me push my head into his neck while I cried loudly. He rubbed my back in a comforting manner, whispering soft things.

"It's gonna be okay," he said softly. "You won't be left alone anymore, Kellin, Jaime, Vic, Mike, Alex, Jack, all of us, we're not letting you go. You're stuck with us whether you like it or not, and even if you do end up being apart of a new family, it'll be better than what you were stuck with, you have to trust me on that. I've been through three different families and I always comes back here," he told me. I held my breath to stop hiccuping, burying my face more into his neck. I felt him kiss the side of my head and instantly my cheeks warm, but I didn't move. He felt warm, he felt safe. He felt like home.

"Don't cry anymore, please. My shirt is becoming too damp." Austin said. I laughed and pulled up, rubbing my eyes.

"S-Sorry," I said, he grinned and reached up, brushing his thumb across my cheek to wipe away the tears. He was staring at me with those warm chocolate eyes and I was lost in them. He was leaning in closer and so was I, I couldn't help myself. He was cute, he was familiar and I liked him.

"You're too pretty to cry." He told me softly before gently pressing his lips to mine. My eyes fluttered shut and I kissed him back as my hand wandered up and cupped the side of his neck. His lips were soft and I felt like I could kiss him for ages, and I'm sure I could have if Kellin or whoever hadn't banged against the door, saying for one of us to open it. Austin pulled away, looking at me with this look that told me everything was okay.

"I don't want to go out there yet." I whispered. Austin nodded and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I didn't say anything else as I rested my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes as his hand rubbed up and down my back.

Eventually I fell asleep but I still felt when Austin had moved and I was being lifted. I guess we were leaving the bathroom. He carried me like I weighed five pounds. Soon enough I felt the comfortable mattress and a kiss to my forehead before I completely fell asleep again, feeling better than I have in almost millions of years.


Cashby happened somewhat ((:

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