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I don't know how long I sat there in the booth of the weird smelling fast food restaurant, but I was there, staring out the window. Lynn had talked to Kellin, telling him where I was and whatnot, but I really didn't want to be bothered by anyone. I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to cry anymore and I most certainly just wished that everything would stop. I hated being this way, I felt so dramatic and stupid. I felt bad for snapping at Austin because all he was doing was caring, but I was so unfamiliar with that kind of action. I was so used of people blocking me out and hurting me, not caring and kind. I hated how I became so hollow, not being able to take what people say into consideration because I was too busy wondering if they'd hurt me or not, or wallowing in my own self pity.

I hated what I've become.

But there was no changing it. I possibly couldn't be changed due to so many years of something so hateful.

"Did you hear me?" I heard Lynn say, making me turn and look at her. I shook my head slightly. Lynn sighed as her phone vibrated several times. She rolled his eyes and clicked it off before grinning at me.

"I said that Kellin is on his way over here, the others are coming along too." She said, I internally groaned. Of course they were all coming here and of course they'll probably bombard me with questions that I really didn't want to answer.

Just as Lynn promised, Kellin and the others showed up, but out of all of them, Kellin was the most concerned. He had bounded across the street and into the fast food place where Lynn and I were sat in. He quickly rushed over to the table and slid into the booth, pulling me into a hug. He reminded me of a very worried, concerned mother who had just heard her child had fallen and scraped his knee.

"I heard everything," he mumbled, squeezing me tightly. I groaned slightly, feeling a few bones in my back pop. "And everything will be just fine."

"Can't...breathe...please stop." I muttered, Kellin laughed and pulled away slightly. I grinned sheepishly, finally able to breathe again.

"Austin feels really bad and he says he's really sorry, but he won't talk to you until you accept his apology." He said, my cheeks warmed up and I sighed softly.

"Where is he?"

"He didn't want to get out of the car, he was afraid you were mad at him or something." Kellin said, I shook my head. Vic, Jaime, Alex and Jack all came into the fast food place, walking over to the table.

"Lynn, you made it out like the poor boy was actually hurt, not mentally but physically." Jaime said, Lynn rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up, it was important and he was crying. The only way I knew you guys would get here quicker was if I made it out just little different." She said.

"So, are you okay? We need to beat Austin up for making you upset?" Kellin asked, grinning softly. I shook my head and looked at everyone.

"It wasn't even his fault, honestly, I just got a little defensive is all." I muttered. I also hated how the simplest things could possibly set me off, all Austin did was just talk to me and I snapped at him.

"Just know that we'll hurt him if he makes you upset." Jaime said, I nodded and pushed past Kellin and went into the bathroom. My head was beginning to swarm with different scenarios of different situations. I felt trapped inside my own mind, with no possible escape as everything that occurred from the past week played over and over again.

I slightly cursed Seth McKinnon for even removing me from my old school. I was fine there, sure I didn't have any friends, but I was fine. People didn't really notice me and they weren't terrible people. I didn't necessarily want to be here, I didn't want to be in the orphanage and I didn't want to be inside this damn bathroom, but I was, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Unless I escaped out of the bathroom window.

But that would be ridiculous, I'd just go back to the orphanage considering I didn't have anywhere else to really go, and besides, Austin would most likely see me when I walked out of the alley and he would be questionable, plus in order for me to get back to the orphanage I'd have to pass by the window and everyone would see me. That entire little plan was thrown out the window when the bathroom door opened and an employee walked in, going into a stall. With a long, shaky sigh, I walked out of the bathroom and stood in the little hallway near the bathroom doors. It may have seemed like I was being a creep, glancing over at the people who surrounded me earlier, but I was thinking. I really felt bad for how I treated Austin, he was just being so...kind and sweet, something I definitely wasn't used to and probably never would be able to get used to. With another sigh, I walked out of the fast food restaurant, glancing both ways before crossing over to the car where Austin was sat in, his head resting against the back and his headphones in his ears. I tapped on the glass, watching him jump. I chuckled as he rolled the window down, looking confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry, for how I snapped at you and possibly made you look like a jerk, I didn't mean to do that." I told him straightforward, he smiled and shook his head, rolling up the window and opening the car door before sliding across the seat to make room. I grinned and climbed in, looking at him. Austin was definitely cute, I never really noticed that.

"I honestly didn't mean to make you feel bad with whatever I had said," he said softly, I shook my head.

"That happens, like a lot, actually. I've always kept my mouth shut and I always try to keep my eyes out for something that might cause me danger. After spending fifteen years with my-" I cut myself off. My heart was beginning to pound as I thought about all those nights. All the nights of terror and hurting.

Austin glanced at me curiously. "With who?" He asked. I shook my head.

"N-No one." I muttered. "But again I'm sorry about being overdramatic about that and snapping at you." I apologized again, Austin smiled again and shrugged.

"It's nothing to worry about." He said, I smiled at him just as the others came out of the fast food place and crossed the street.

"You two ready to go?" Vic asked as he got into the drivers side. Kellin got in the front seat, Jaime, Alex and Jack squeezed into the backseat with Austin and I and Lynn had to lay across us all in order to me comfortable.

I didn't speak at all as Vic took Lynn home before driving back to the orphanage. All I really wanted was to get some sleep and block the world away with my covers. When we got back, it was just in time for dinner, and there was pizza, just like several nights before. I ate a few slices and headed off upstairs, changing into a pair of shorts and some random t-shirt before getting into bed. I stared at the wall for many hours until I was finally able to sleep, dreaming of bittersweet things.

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