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"Next court case," the judge said, slamming down the gavel, which made me jump slightly. I was pushed along to the front and towards one of the desks and chairs where I had to stand until told to sit down, which thankfully came quickly. I had barely gotten a wink of sleep last night, nightmares haunted my sleep and made me feel insane. Every time I closed my eyes, I dreamt that all of this was just a dream, that nothing with the hospital, and the police, and the night they stormed into my house. I dreamt of my father answering the door and telling them to go away, and I watched it all happen, I watched them leave and then everything fell down from there into a black hole of a never-ending spiral.

"Harold Ashby-" the judge went on with his charges and offenses, listing everything off. I was sat, hands clamped tightly together as I stared at the ground. "How to you plead?" The judge asked.

"Guilty, your honor." My father muttered, obviously angry.

"You are hear by sentenced fifteen years in prison without bail," the judge said, making the final decision and slamming down the gavel. Court officers came and grabbed my father, pulling him away, and the entire time he was sending harsh glares my way. I could feel my throat tighten and it was becoming slightly hard to breath.

Sergeant McKinnon met me outside of the court house, his car pulled off to the side of the road. He gave me a smile and oddly a high five.

"You did great kid," he said, I nodded. "Say, how about I get you some food, you must be starved." I gave a shrug and got into the car, buckling up as it started. The police radio made some static sound before someone spoke, and it stayed like that for the longest time until Sergeant McKinnon pulled up outside a McDonald's.

We both got out and I followed, going inside the cool fast food restaurant. Sergeant McKinnon bought me what I wanted, which was just McNuggets and a soda. We sat down and he rambled on with stories about his job, talking about his old partner that used to ride with him back when they didn't have enough cars. He spoke so happy about it, smiling wide the entire time. I just nodded, listening and eating.

Not so longer after finishing, Sergeant McKinnon drove us back to the police station. All of my clothes were packed for me, thankfully, and they awaited for me in the holding cell that I was being allowed to stay in for tonight.

I sighed loudly and sat down on the hard, creaking bed. It was cold in here and the bed only supported one blanket, and even that didn't look warm. It was only half past one and I was exhausted from not being able to sleep at all last night, so with my shoes kicked off, a very warm hoodie pulled on my body and a relaxing position on the bed, I was fast asleep.


I felt better, rested even. The nightmares weren't so bad to where I couldn't handle them, I kept tight and left my eyes shut, trying to let them just happen. Of course they were about my old man, him hitting me and I was on the floor. The doorbell rang and the officers showed up, it was the same from last night where they just left and I watched as my chance of freedom from the hell just escaped right between my fingertips.

Now I was sitting up front with Sergeant McKinnon and Officer Urie, watching a football gave on a small satellite t.v. and eating Chinese food. I was mainly picking through my food, not really wanting to eat anything. Questions went through my mind, and the more that I couldn't find the answer to them, the more I felt terrible about myself and just wanted to cry.

How heartbreaking was it to know that none of your family wanted you? It's not like I'd be any trouble to care for, I actually really liked most of my aunts and uncles, they even had children a couple of years older than me or newborn babies. I just didn't understand and I wanted to know why, but I'm sure they had their lives to came for or whatever.

"Eat up, kid." Sergeant McKinnon said, nudging me some. I sighed and sat the Chinese takeout carton on the desk.

"I'm not hungry," I muttered, staring down at the ground.

"What's botherin' you?" He asked, sitting back in his desk chair. I gave a shrug. Sergeant McKinnon sighed, wiping his mouth and looking at me. Officer Urie was off in his own little word, watching football.

"It's the whole family deal, isn't it?" He asked, I nodded a little. "I know how it must feel, I haven't seen or spoken to my father in twenty years, my mother was on the verge of breaking down and my younger brothers didn't understand. When my mother was taken to prison for the overuse of drugs, my brother's and I were taken to an orphanage. I tried calling up family, especially my father, but he told me he didn't care, that if he could barely take care of himself, how could he care for three boys? In the end, after I turned eighteen, I took my brother's out, I managed to claim to be their parental guardian, I got a job, found an apartment to fit all three of us, and I worked my ass off making sure I could get my brother's through school. I taught them the best I could. I tried to be both a mother and father, I taught them that it is not okay to leave your children behind, and now I have two beautiful nieces and a nephew on the way from both of them. I could have given up on them, I could have left them like both our parents did, but I didn't. Now, what I'm telling you is that you've lived a life of hell, it's quite obvious in your actions. You're scared and you're broken. You've got no family and now you're about to live a life on your own until a very nice, better living family comes along. They are going to see you and they are going to fall in love, you'll be better than you were a couple of days ago, you'll finally have the dreams of waking up on Thanksgiving and Christmas, you'll have something you wished for so long while being locked up and away when living with your father. I know you're upset, but trust me kid, things will become so much better and you'll be happier than you were several months ago."

I stared at Sergeant McKinnon, not being able to form words. Oddly he was right, I had to be better, no matter what. I was being given another opportunity to have a better family, and I really wanted it, but I also really scared. I was going to end up with people who I barely knew, had zero content with and was possibly going to be spending the rest of my teenage years with. It scared the shit out of me and I almost didn't want it.

"Anyway," Sergeant McKinnon cleared his throat and scratched his forehead. "It's getting late kid, you should probably get to bed, you've got to be at the orphanage by noon." He said.

"I'm not tired." I said, smirking and crossing my arms.

"I don't care, go to bed." He said, throwing a balled up piece of paper at my face. I laughed and stood up, saying a good night and heading into the holding cell where I was asleep not so long ago.

For the longest time I was laid down, staring up at the ceiling and heading the small t.v. blaring whistles as Officer Urie watched the football game. It was nice getting to know those two over the last few days. Eventually I felt asleep, curled up in a ball, readying myself for the day to come.

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