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I'm back! And with a new story! Yay! This is a Mikey Way fic.

Today we are visiting Miss Carlyle's Care Home. I am adopting a kid. Bold move I know, but I'm ready. When I told the guys, their reactions were hilarious. Gee already knew because I discussed it with him, Mom and Dad first, Frank just snorted, like he didn't believe me, Bob just nodded like it wasn't surprising, Ray thought I was kidding. FOB were there too. Patrick went all wide eyed, Pete was so shocked he fell off his chair, Andy wasn't even really paying attention and Joe was laughing at Pete. So long story short everyone but me ended up laughing their asses off. We pull up in front of a very nice looking three story brick building. Gee is the only one with me. We get out of the car and walk up to the door. I ring the bell and we wait. There's a loud thud and then the door opens. A girl no more than ten is standing there.

"Hi." she says.

"Hi. Is Miss Carlyle around?" I say.

"Sure." she turns around and yells," Miss someone to see you." before running off. A middle aged woman comes rushing to the door.

"Hello please come in." she moves and lets us in.

"Thank you." I say as I walk past her. She nods.

"I assume that you are here to adopt?" I nod.

"Well the children are in the dining room eating their lunch right now. Have you eaten? If not feel free to join them."

"We've already eaten but thanks."

"Alright then Mr..."

"Way. Mikey Way."

"Ah yes Mr. Way. I did a backround check and I  have a few questions and concerns, but you are by for a better candidate than anyone else I've done backround checks on. So would you like to look through the files?"

"If you don't mind."

"Of course not. If you'll follow me." Gee and I follow her into what I assume is her office. She sits at her desk and grabs a pile of file folders.

"Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

"Not at all. Ask away."

"I read that you had drug and alcohol problems a short while ago?"

"I did. Yeah, but I'm clean and sober and I have been for awhile now. He can vouch for that." I say and jab a thumb at Gerard.

"And you are?" she asks him.

"His older brother, Gerard."

"I see. And is what he's saying true."


"Alright. I also say that you're in a band?"

"Yes. I am and actually so is he." I say, nodding at Gerard.

"Will this effect...anything?"

"It shouldn't."

"Aright. Here's the files." She holds them out to me. I take them and she gestures at the chairs across from her desk. I take a seat and begin looking through the folders. After looking through them I've decided on two I want to meet. A thirteen year old girl named Tori and a sixteen year old girl named Shallan.

"May I meet Tori and Shallan?" I ask Miss Carlyle.

"Of course." She steps out and a minute later she comes back with Shallan. Shallan is probably no more than 5' tall which seems kind of short for a girl her age. She has short red hair and blue eyes. She stands by the door and doesn't speak. Gee gets up and motions for her to sit.

"I'm fine, but thank you." she says quietly.

"Please take the chair." she sighs and sits down.

"I'm Mikey." I introduce myself to her.

"I'm Shallan." We talk for a few minutes she tells me a little bit about herself and then our time is up. I talk with Tori, but my mind wanders back to Shallan. After Tori walks out Miss Carlyle turns to me.

"Have you made a decision?"

"I would like to adopt Shallan."

"Wonderful. She's a very sweet girl. A bit shy though." She hands me some papers and then gets up and walks out. The first paper is Shallan's birth certificate and the other ones are the ones I sign to get legal custody of her. I sign them and put them on the desk. Miss Carlyle comes back.

"Shallan is packing right now and it looks like we're done here so as soon as she's ready you can go." I nod and stand.

"Please take good care of her. She's gone through a lot in her life and she's been here for a long while."

"I will." I assure her. We walk out and stand in front of the door. Shallan comes down the stairs pulling a battered black suitcase behind her.

"Ready?" I ask. She nods. She turns to Miss Carlyle and gives her a hug. Then she turns to me and nods at the door. We walk out towards the car. I open the trunk and put her bag in it. I get in the drivers side and Gee gets in the back. Shallan gets in the passanger seat. Once we start to drive I decide to talk to Shallan.

"Well I'm Mikey. You already knew that. Sorry. Um...that's my older brother Gerard in the backseat." I jab my thumb at him. Shallan looks at him. He waves, but stays quiet.

"I'm Shallan Macel. Well actually I'm not anymore. What's my last name now?"

"Way." she nods. The rest of the drive is silent. Eventually we reach our destination. The tour bus.

"You live on a bus?" she asks.

"We're in a band and we're on tour right now so you'll be joining us." she nods. We get out of the car. She waits while I get her suitcase out of the trunk. We walk toward the door. Before we reach it Frank is running at us at full speed. Shallan stops and stares at him wide eyed.

"Frank." I yell. He stops so abruptly that he almost falls over. Shallan looks like she might pass out.

"What?" Frank asks.

"What?! You nearly scared her to death."

"Oops?" I roll my eyes. Ray walks up behind Frank and smacks the back of his head.

"Ouch! What the fuck man?" Bob comes over too, but he doesn't smack Frank.

"Be normal." Ray tells Frank..

"Do you know Frank at all? He can't be normal." Bob points out.

"Good point." Ray nods and then looks at Shallan," I'm Ray."


"Bob." Bob says. Shallan nods. Frank stands right in front of her and looks down at her.

"Finally there's someone shorter than me around." Frank says. Ray chuckles and I sigh.

"Gee occupy your boyfriend." Gee rolls his eyes and grabs Frank by the shirt and the two of them walk into the bus

AN: I imagine Shallan looking like Rapunzel does in the end of Tangled except with different hair and eye colors. But feel free to imagine her as you want. Comment and vote. Thanks!


Feel Alive(Adopted By Mikey Way)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin