Chapter Sixteen - Searching for Love

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Here is the next chapter..........I hope you enjoy it!!

Thank you,

S  xo

Chapter Sixteen

Waking up at the crack of dawn, Lucas wanted to go over any missives or errands that he needed to do today.   He missed Clarissa like crazy and knowing that he was going to see her this evening wasn’t good enough.   He wanted to see her now.   

Sitting behind his large oak desk in his study, Lucas started reading over missives and drinking his morning cup of coffee.    One from Royce, one from his attorney, and one that he did not recognize the hand writing but definitely recognized the hint of vanilla.    Clarissa had sent him a missive, how odd?

Opening the wax seal, he started to read her letter.     My dearest Lucas……………..

His heart started pounding, the hand holding the letter was shaking so badly, he dropped it.    It couldn’t be, millions of things started racing through his mind…………….. I find myself in a predicament of shame…….Shame?    How could Clarissa shame him?  She was the paragon of beauty and grace.    She reached his heart when he didn’t even think he had one.

This cannot be real.  He left her only a few days ago informally proposing to her and with her accepting.  What had gone wrong?    Now anger took over him, she did not shame herself, but someone had shamed her.     Did someone compromise her, knowing that he was courting her?  He would kill the bastard that touched or shamed her.     Was that the “scandal” that she was referring too?

Picking up his coffee cup and smashing against the fireplace mantel, Lucas called for a footman to have his stallion saddled immediately.

“Clarence, this missive in the blue parchment paper, when did it arrive?” Lucas growled at his footman.

“My lord, I believe it just arrived this morning.  The others arrived yesterday,” replied Clarence.

Flinging himself onto his stallion, Lucas knew of one person that would have answers for him, that person would be Stephen.   

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