Chap 22

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A/N: Skipping to the next day
Scarlett's POV
Today was day 1 of Magcon Santa Monica and the boys, Lex and I were getting ready as we are going to leave in 15 minutes.
Lex, Mahogany and I already put on our clothes and now we're doing our makeup.
I tied my hair up into a messy bun so that when i do my makeup, my hair wouldn't get in the way.
After that, I applied my primer and foundation.Next, I did my eyebrows with the new brow pen that I had bought before doing a smokey eye. Then I put on eyeliner and mascara. Last but not least, I put on a pinkish-red lipstick.
After I finally finished my makeup, I took my curling iron and curled the ends of my hair so that it created a wavy kinda look.
"5 minutes girls! " Mahogany said, looking In the mirror.
"DONE!" The three of us said at the same time.
"Jinx!" The three of us said again
"Jinx again!" Again, we said it at the same time.
"We should really stop doing that." You know what? I give up.
I grabbed my Gucci handbag and put my makeup set incase I needed to touch up on my makeup later in the day. I took my phone and opened Snapchat.
"We're off to Magcon Santa Monica! See Y'all there!" I ended the snap with the three of us waving. Then all of us tried to run down the stairs cuz we're kinda late compared to the others. What? You can't blame us. Girls are bound to take a longer time to get ready. We have to look good, unlike boys, who don't give a damn about how they look like, yet they can still look good.
"What took you girls so long? We've been waiting for like what? 5 minutes? " Tay grumbled.
"Be grateful that it's only 5 minutes Taylor. I could've taken more than that if I had wanted to you know. " Lex said.
"Whatever guys! Let's get into the limo already! " Lox said and we all got into the limo.

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