Chapter Six:

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It was light when I opened my eyes. I had to slowly squint my eyes open and give them time to adjust to the blinding rays of hot sunshine enveloping me. I lay still, trying to sort myself out before I try and figure out what happened and where I am. Once I had taken the time I thought I deserved to wake myself up, I let my eyes scan my surroundings. Plush, perfectly mowed, deep green grass, the full swaying trees towering high above me, seeming to dance along to the beat of the wind. The smell of barbecue and summer, the feel of the gentle hands of wind brushing my skin, and of course the beaming sun hanging high in the sky. Not just that, but the people. The chatter. The occasional dog, or a stray squirrel making a fast escape up the closest tree. The rough uncomfortable platform I was laying on. The park surroundings and James. Basically, the perfect setting to recover from a nightmare.

"Afternoon," A voice came from my close right. A very familiar smiling overly cheery voice. Not surprising to see his dark brown, nearly black, hair, the calm brown eyes, and the moon-white smile staring back at me.

"Afternoon...? How long was I asleep? When did I fall asleep?" I don't remember much but it was very unlike me to just fall asleep in strange places with strange guys.

"About seven hours, you fell asleep as soon as we made it to the park. I was trying to ask you if you were okay, because you got this weird look on your face and your skin got paler. Then you collapsed onto the grass and ... yeah, that was about it." He was staring at me with the most common look on his face, as if what had happened wasn't unusual at all. As if he comforted girls with nightmares all the time.

"Well," I stood up and brushed the remaining grass from my worn blue jeans and started walking. "I need to be getting home."

Not surprisingly, the guy was immediately matching my footsteps. I decided to tolerate him. If not just because when you're like me, It was nice to have a little company.

I didn't want silence anymore… I had to admit, after that little morsel I had shared, it felt good. For the longest time I hadn’t spoken, I hadn’t shared anything at all. It had just been bottled up tight inside of me. So I did what I hardly did enough. I talked. "So, how old is your brother?"

His face darkened and I wonder if I shouldn't have asked, even though I didn't understand why that would strike a nerve.

"Five. His name is Ty. He has autism, and I usually watch out for him," He didn't meet my eyes when he talked. The smile had been wiped clean from his face.

"What about your parents?" I hesitantly asked, because I didn't want to push him too far.

"They're on a "trip" away in Europe. I haven't seen them in two years. No contact what-so-ever."

The way he said “trip” with the air quotes made me back off. I knew when the conversation was getting too far, and I didn't know what to say. So we walked the rest of the way in dead silence until he turned onto his driveway.

"See ya, Kris."

"Yeah...Good bye, James."

And at that, I was alone again, slowing my steps as I walked back towards my house. When I opened the door, I was struck by the bitter realization he was home. I heard noisy banging coming from the direction of the kitchen.

"Dad...?" I nearly whispered.

He replied back in a grunt, throwing boxes, bottles, silverware, and dishes out of the shelves. Some bounced onto the floor, some broke, and some crashed into a million pieces. My father didn't seem to notice, just continuing on with his quest.

"Where the hell is the liquor Kris? Did you drink it?" He turned to me with eyes like a madman. Even from the thirty feet distance between us, I could practically feel his anger burning towards me. His eyes were black, like that of the first night when I realized he changed. They burned with the furiousness and violence of the Devil. The eyes of a crazed alcoholic desperate for a drink. If I didn't know any better, I would say he was possessed. I guessed in some sense he was, possessed with the need for more alcohol. I didn't drink it, but there was no point in telling him. There was something in his brain that just wouldn't listen to anyone else. Years of alcohol abuse, I assumed.

"No, sir. I didn't." I didn't know what my next move should be. I was the prey and he was the predator.

He was slowly creeping towards me while I took short measured steps backwards. I had learned fighting only made it worse. I've learned not to run. But that day, as I backed up all the way against the front door, I took a chance. I whipped around fast and yanked open the door, rushing before he could stop me. It was too late to turn back now. I thought if I can make it outside, he wouldn't chase me. He wouldn't risk the whole world seeing him chasing me, screaming for his alcohol. So I made a break for it, and took off running away. My feet ran faster than they have ever before and I tore across the sidewalks and grass, through the trees, not looking back to see if he was there or not. Where would I go?

James’ house? Yeah right. Sure, I tolerated him more, but bunking in his house seemed to extreme. I just ran, faster and faster, not looking back. I wouldn’t dare to see if he was behind me. I just had to keep running…Maybe I could make it to the bus stop; maybe I could just go someplace. Travel…

I kept running through the woods, but they only seemed to get denser the further I ran into them. They enveloped me, like the forest itself was eating me. My lungs were constricting from the intense, nonstop running, but I was too afraid to stop. I casted my eyes to the sky above, only to find, unfortunately, grey storm clouds moving in and beginning to drop fat wet drops onto the Earth below.

It’s okay, Kris, just keep running. You’ll find somewhere soon, I muttered to myself as I urged my screaming muscles to go faster and faster. Ow, I cursed under my breath as I fell over. I sat up a little to glance at my leg, noticing a long angry red scrape shredding up my calf. I had tripped over a tree root, and been cut by a stray line of barb wire. Ow, ow, ow… I sighed, doing my best to stand up and keep going. I hobbled and jogged while I felt the warm liquid lick its way down my leg. The rain had graduated from sprinkles to pouring showers that pounded on my back and bore into me. Between my pain and exhaustion, I realized I had to stop. Dreadfully, I ran back through the forest, the way I knew would lead to James’ house.

“James!" I shouted and pounded on his door. "James! Please, please...It's Kris! James! " I didn't care that I looked insane, with my head jerking from side to side, like a deer caught in a car's head lights. I was so scared still, and maybe a little overtired anyways. I just wanted everything to be over with.

The door swung open and I tumbled inside. He closed the door behind me without me asking. I heard the lock click, and I sat up straight.

"God, Kris? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He rushed to me, leaned down, and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. “Oh my God! Your leg, what happened?!” James ushered me quickly but gently towards the couch where I could sit down. He left me there while he ran to the kitchen, ran the faucet on a towel, and came back to me. Dabbing at all of the blood covering my entire leg now. The rain smeared it, making the injury look worse than it was. When all was cleaned, he went to get Neosporin and Band-aids. Suddenly, I was glad I chose to come here.

"I...I can't explain right now, can I stay here, just for a little bit?" I knew I was asking too much, but I was so scared. My voice sounded so meek, hurt, and strangled. It didn't sound like my voice at all.

"Sure, we have a guest bedroom right over here," he reassured me and pulled me to the room closest to us. I didn't even have time to think about the possibility of being raped by running into this near stranger's house, but at that moment this was way better than the alternative.

He helped me onto the bed and tucked me under the warm bed covers. No rape, thank God. He shut off the light and as I was slipping into a sleep I noticed he was getting up to leave, but I asked him to stay.

"Please..Stay? Just for a little? Until I fall asleep?" I sounded like a frightened child still, but with a bit more of my normal voice than I had heard earlier.

"Of course."

At that, I fell asleep next to this guy for the second time in one day.


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