Chapter 10

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Before I start this off I just wanted to thank all of you for 1k reads. I never thought I would get this much so I'd like to thank you for it. BLUE COOKIES FOR ALL OF YOU! Okay here's the chapter.

Hermione's POV (oooooooooo switching things up)-

After Harry got stunned and Ginny got cruciatoused (if that is even a word) a bunch of the death eaters started to physically beat Harry but soon resorted to Sectumsempra. All of the Weasley's and I were screaming as loud as we could, well except Ginny who was screaming from the curse. A bunch of Aurors showed up along with Draco Malfoy and they stunned all the death eaters and freed us.

We were taken outside where we were told that healers would be checking us over to make sure we were fine.

"Hello Miss. Granger, my name is Healer Wells and I'm just gonna do a quick couple spells to make sure you are okay"

She started to mumble spells under her breath and wave her wand while occasionally writing something down on a clipboard she had brought.

"Well Miss. Granger you seem to be over well fine except for a few cuts and bruises on your arms and legs. Just take this potion and you are good to go" Healer Wells said.

I downed the potion and started to walk aimlessly around when I saw Ginny faint out of the corner of my eye.

I looked around to see what possibly could have cause it when I saw a bloody Harry being brought of the burrow on a stretcher.

"Oh my Lanta" I said quietly.

I started to make my way over to Harry when Ron grabbed my arm and started to tug me over to the lake by the burrow.

I looked over at him as we walked to see if he still had noticeable injuries. He had a bandage around his head, probably from when he was thrown into the wall, but that seemed to be it.

We sat down by a tree close to the lake and just sat in silence for about 10 or so minutes.

The comfortable silence was soon broken by Ron.

"Are you okay 'Mione?"

"Yeah I'm fine. You?"

Man this was awkward.

"I'm fine"

I looked over at him just taking in his features when he looked back over at me and we both started to lean in.

We had a 15 minute snogging session before heading back to the burrow where everyone seemed to be back to normal except Ginny and Harry were no where to be seen.

I decided to head up to bed as Ron did the same.

Ginny didn't seem to be in her bed, but I was to tired to investigate. I walked over to my bed and fell on my back with a "thump" and fell straight to sleep.

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