Chapter 6

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A/N I am so sorry that I haven't written anything in like forever. I deserve any punishment. I'm so sorry.

Harrys POV-

I woke up and felt tear tracks on my cheeks. I just had another nightmare. What was this the eighth this week.... Kidding more like twenty. I sat up looking at the clock next to my camp bed. 5:15. Dinner should be soon.

"DINNER" yelled Mrs. Weasley from downstairs.

I got out of bed and headed downstairs when I walked straight into Ginny. She must have noticed my eyes or something because she asked me

"Harry, what's wrong" she asked concerned.

"Nothing I'm fine. Let's go downstairs"

"Harry James potter tell me what is wrong NOW" she said sternly.

"I had another nightmare" I mumbled.

"Harry" she said hugging me.

We stood like that for a little bit before she pulled away.

"It's not the first one is it?"

"No. Probably like 20th"

"Why didn't you tell me! Anyone really. We could have gotten you a dreamless sleep potion easily"

"I don't want I bother anyone"

"Harry are you being Sirius right" she rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like "boys".

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me downstairs. We sat down at the table ate dinner and went upstairs to bed.

And surprise, surprise I had another nightmare. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! (Note the sarcasm.

I'm sorry this was a horrible chapter I just don't know what to write. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Comment or pm me if you want but until next SUPPORT HINNY

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