Chapter 1

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Harrys POV-

Voldemort fell to the ground. Dead, i thought. I had just killed Voldemort. Everyone who was watching ran over to congratulate me and celebrate Voldemort's defeat. Never again will anyone die for me, i thought again.

All of a sudden I was tackled by someone with flaming red hair and bushy brown hair. My friends. The ones who have been by me the whole way. I had hugged them tight just happy the war was over with.

"You did it!" Hermione cried. "You finished him off and killed him".

"That was pretty awesome mate" Ron said pretty amazed at what had happened.

We decided to walk to the Great Hall to see some of the damages and who had died. So many people. Dead. All of them at the hands of Voldemort. All because of me. My parents, Sirius, Cedric, Remus, Tonks, Fred and Collin. All of them gone.

As we walked through people would come up and congratulate me. I don't deserve this. Not one bit.

We walked over to a family of flaming red hair, all surrounding a body with the same matching hair.

"Oh Harry!" Mrs. Weasley cried standing up to hug me. "We were so worried about you"

"Don't worry Mrs. Weasley I'm fine. But aren't you mad at me?" I said.

"Mad? Why on earth would we be mad at you?! You just saved the wizarding world from vol-Voldemort!" She said like I was crazy. Which I am.

"Well Fred died because of me. I thought you would be mad at me. You know not talking to me and blaming me" I said completely confused on why she isn't mad.

"Child, we would never blame you! Fred may have di-died but we would never blame you! If it's anyone's fault it's those death eaters" she told me in a voice that said I wasn't gonna win.

"Ok well I'm going to take a rest. I'm exhausted. See you all later. " I said walking out of the Great Hall before I said my thanks and sorrys to all the families.

By the time I reached the corridors I didn't realize the red headed girl following me.

As I walked into the common room and I sat on the sofa thinking about today. Voldemort died. So many inoccent people died as well. It's all because of me. I'm a monster.

I started crying when I felt warm arms wrap around me. I looked up to see those amazing chocolate brown eyes I love. Ginny.

She hugged me sending an electric shock through my whole body. Filling me with warmth and a new found strength.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm better now". I said staring into her eyes. Never looking away.

I started to lean in and she (noticing me) started to lean in to. My stomach filled with those butterflies that I hated, came back and there were more then ever as we became closer and closer. Not being able to stand it anymore I closed the gap kissing her.

This was the best I felt in such a long time. I loved it just like I loved her. We kept kissing for who knows how long until......


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