Chapter 7

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Harry's POV-

I was walking down the stairs to grab a drink from the kitchen when someone grabbed my arm pulling me into a room. It was three in the morning so I freaked out a little.

I grabbed my wand cast lumos and saw the face of Ginny Weasley staring at me with those chocolate brown eyes.

We stood staring at each other for a while before either of us moved.

"Ginny what are you doing? What are we doing here?"

"I have something for you" She pulled something out of a bag I now noticed she had with her.

I took what looked like a flask with some potion in it and gave her a look that said I'm confuzzeled-- help me.

"It's a dreamless sleep potion dumbo"

"Oh! Thanks but how and why would you do this at three in the morning?"

"Couldn't sleep to busy having nightmares about you dying" she said quickly but I caught every word.

"Wait your having nightmares? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I feel better when I get up, go to your room and see you there sleeping but very much alive"

"Hang on"

I walked into the kitchen pulling out two glasses and grabbing the potion Ginny gave me and poured it evenly into the glasses. I handed one to Ginny who looked kinda confuzzled.

"Hey if we both are having nightmares might as well get rid of both problems"

"Okay let's go"

Ginny and I walked back upstairs, first to her room where Hermione seemed to be missing from.... We walked over to Ginny's bed and I sat on a chair I pulled over from the corner.

"Okay drink up, I'll stay with you for a little bit before I go up"

"Okay" Ginny drank her cup of the potion and almost immediately fell asleep. I grabbed her glass before it shattered with my seeker reflexes and put it on her nightstand. I kissed her forehead and stood up watching her for awhile before walking upstairs.

I walked up to my room I shared with Ron to see Ron mysteriously missing at the same time as Hermione. Hmmm. I did the same as Ginny but quickly put my glass down before I fell asleep.

For once in a LONG time I slept free of nightmares and actually had a pleasant dream of me and my wonderful red headed beauty. 

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