Rythian and Seraphina Part 3

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Chapter 5

I groaned as I awoke. “Rythian, are you alright? I heard the commotion, the party guests are being handled by Jack.” Arthur offered me his hand.

“We managed to capture the shifter you tangled with, he’s being dealt with now.”

“Seraphina…where is she?”

“We do not know. The other shifter-”

“Shifter?” I asked him. “They were shifters? Not people of the skies?”

“No, his wings faded as we arrived to help you.”

“I need…to speak to that shifter.”

“Rythian, you’re really not in any shape, look at yourself, your full of shards of wood.”

“I’ll be fine!” I snapped, rising to my feet and started to tear wood chunks from my flesh. I brushed myself off. I saw Razor and Claus by Arthur’s side, a worried expression on their faces. Razor was a vampire lord like me. His tuxedo sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his jet black hair was wild and spiky. Upon his chin was a nicely trimmed goatee, and his silver eyes glowed in the darkness. Claus was a wrath demon, capable of destroying anything in his path. These were my closest allies and friends. Claus shook his head of silver and glared at me with his violet eyes.

“Rythian, you need to listen to Arthur, not only are you full of wood, you’ve lost a lot of blood.” Claus grumbled. Razor nodded, leaning up against a nearby tree.

“I don’t have time for that, Seraphina is in danger. Who knows what they have in store for her. Arthur, you go scout out the area with Claus. Razor, come with me, I want this shifter to suffer and squeal.” I wobbled as I tried to walk. Razor helped guide me.

“I’m sorry to rely on your like this, old friend.”

“Don’t call me old boy.” He grunted. Arthur took off like a comet and Claus was already barreling through the forest after him. The ballroom was now empty and quiet.

“So…did all the girls…”

“Yes, your goal was completed, every girl was taken by a suitor or mistress.” I let out a sigh of relief.

 “I knew this would work, I’m glad to hear that.” He grinned down at me.

“You should at least feed Rythian.”

“I know…but I don’t have time, Seraphina could be getting further and further away.” I settled myself in a nearby chair. “Where is the shifter?” I growled.

“He’s tied up in the dungeons, shall I get him?” Razor had a violent glint in his eye, he’d be perfect to loosen the shifter’s tongue.

“Yes and hurry.”

Razor disappeared for a moment then returned with a scrawny looking man. His eyes were wide with fear, the color in his face drained was he looked at me.

“Now, then.” I cleared my throat. “My friend here is not afraid to get his hands dirty, if you answer my questions truthfully then we shall release you unharmed. This is if your information proves useful of course. Tell me where Seraphina was taken.”

The shifter stared at the floor.

“We…were hired by the clan to save the princess.”

“What clan? Where was she taken?” He clammed up, refusing to say more. I gave Razor a nod and he made quick work of him. He bent his arm back further until it made a sickening crack. He then tore his arm from its socket, leaving it dislocated. The man screamed in agony.

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