Rythian and Seraphina Part 1

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My golden eyes locked and melded with hers.

“Are you wondering what I’m thinking love?” She frowned at my question.

“Yes.” She replied, nodding, settling herself on the window seat, legs crossed. Such a gorgeous face, luscious red lips, a slender nose, coal lined eyes framed with thick lashes, her ever changing iris’ flickering and mixing my reflection. Yet she denied me the pleasure of making her mine. It stung little, I liked a challenge but I doubted myself to win her over.

Hmm, compared to the other girls, unlike the most girls I trained already, she did not fall under my spell. They purred like kittens at the sight of me.  I sat beside her, tilting her chin up so that she may face me. “Seraphina, do you hate me?” She shook her head in response. “Tell me how you feel about me.”

Her face grew taught and she forced herself to look away, at the garden below, eyes studying the floral patterns. She relaxed, “How many others?”


“How many girls have you taken here, in this room, in that bed?”

“Fifteen.” I replied truthfully.

“Your dreadful.” She turned her whole body, giving me her back.

“Seraphina, the others are merely toys, you are-“

“What? Special than the others?” She hissed. “You are a liar, if that is true, get rid of the other girls, let me go!”

“Only after tonight.” I replied, “If I dislike what you do, then I’ll let you go. And don’t worry, you won’t be out of a home so quickly. I take care of my precious angels.”

“You mean your soiled doves.”

“Do not call them that, they are your sisters and you should respect them as such.”

“I do not intend to become a skank, for you.” I stroked her ebony hair, it felt like silk. It was highly unlikely such a creature could disappoint me. Her simple gaze made my fire burn.

“Rythian, you stole me from my home, forced me to stay in this hell hole, in a rusty rotting cell.”

“My servants did that, I had no knowledge you were taken but your beauty is startling, if you desire, I’ll order your release after I have you.”

Furious, her hand marked my cheek, “I will not allow your body against mine! You are a monster! You villainous pig!”

I clutched my cheek, baring my fangs.  “Don’t. You. Dare.” I tackled her, pinning her to the window seat. She squirmed underneath me.  “Heh, mmm continue that love.”

“Let me go!”

“No, we’re past that, the others are indeed staying and you are going to be punished for harming me.” I threatened.

“I am protecting my being!” She hissed. “Rythian release me!” I pressed my lips to hers.

“Most definitely not.” Her wrists struggled in my grasp. “Relax, you are not escaping this.” I snarled, pulling my lips back to reveal my lengthened fangs.  My fangs sank into that delightful slender neck, fangs coated in slave venom. Her eyes widened, slowly fluttering as a strangled breath escaped her lips.

“There we go love, submit.”  My slave venom was surely working now, bonding to her bloodstream, flooding all her senses. Now everything was falling into place.  Her blood was now poison to any other. No longer could she resist my desires. I picked up her body, chaining her to my bed in case she got any ideas. She rolled back and forth, clutching her neck, a perfectly normal side effect. I lied beside her and held her body close to mine. Such a shiny prize. I breathed in her scent, sweet vanilla with lavender. I purred, memorizing the euphoric aroma. A noise grated against my door.

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