Bonus Chapter 2

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"Mikoto?" There was no response.

"Mikoto...?" Akira looked around her. Where was she? Tall, dark tree's surrounded her and out of the corner of her eye she swore she could see the shadows moving. 

"...Mikoto..." She murmured. Where was he? Deep down, she knew what was happening. 

"Mikoto!" Her voice cracked and her eyes widened fearfully. Deep down, she remembered what was going on. "Mikoto... please..." 

Deep down, she knew what would happen. A branch snapped behind her and she swung around, the airy, white dress she wore poofing up at the bottom. Nothing was there... Deep down, she knew that was a lie.

"Worthless..." It was his voice. 

"Mikoto! Where are you?" The relief that fled through her body was a lie. When she was a child, her grandmother had told her that if she closed her eyes tight, then the demons she feared so much would disappear. But it was a lie. Because you can't close your eyes twice. 

Deep down, she knew it was fake, but tears still drifted down her cheeks.

"Akira..." Mikoto's voice echoed around her. "You're so... Worthless..."

"What...?" Akira couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I hate you, Akira. Why are you still alive?"

"No... You don't- you can't... mean that..." Akira was trembling. Something about this was terribly familiar. "You love me, right?" Silence. "Mikoto... say something..." 

"I despise you, Akira."

Akira awoke with a gasp. It happened again. That same dream. The dark haired girl sighed as she wiped the tears from her face. It was just a dream, after all. 

"Akira..." She turned and looked at the figure sleeping next to her. Was he... talking in his sleep? About her? A small smile lit her face. "I love you, Mikoto." She murmured as she curled up into his chest. As she was closing her eyes, she could faintly hear a "I love you too..." whispered from his lips. 

Akira knew what that nightmare meant. She was afraid of being alone. Or more accurately, she was afraid of Mikoto leaving her alone. But for now, he was by her side and always would be.

Because he loved her and she loved him. And that was all they needed.


A bit different than usual, I know. 

I hope you enjoyed this! I had fun writing it.

Don't forget to...



and Enjoy!

~Pocky out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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