Chapter 22: I'll Kill Him

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Chapter 22 I'll Kill Him



I smile up at Ash as I press play one more time. When her dad is slammed into the wall I whoop with pride. My sis is all grown up. I feel a huge grin on my face as my mates chuckle and nuzzle my neck.

"Riki!" I giggle and bat my eyes at Ash who's feeding Serenity a bottle of breast milk. She's trying to look all stern but I can see the smile threatening to break out.

"Ash, I have to tell you..." She raises a brow and I swear my grin gets bigger as Conlan and Liam walk into the dining room and over to Ash. I glance at Conlan and point my finger at him. "You are my new bestie. This is so awesome. I even posted it on the Weretube. It's like an epic hit. Kade says he's glad Ash beat his ass before getting powers." Everyone laughed as Ash looks confused.

"What's Weretube?" I blink. I forgot she was missing for three months.

"When you left and I couldn't find you so Gabe and Luke created something similar to youtube that only Weres can gain access too. That way we can stay in contact without humans that don't know about us freaking out. I tried everything else." I pout a little and cut my eyes at Ash but her face remains neutral. I sigh. The Alpha thing is definitely kicking in. But I want to hold off on that news for a little longer so I straighten and glance at Luke.

"Let's go explore and find out how things just appear when you call them. Supposedly it's really the servants and I want to know. Ash grins at the thought of exploring and gets a wild glint in her eyes as our mates groan. Caine, who's sitting next to me, eating pulls on my sleeve.

"Aunt Riki, why are the guys groaning?" I cut my eyes at Ash and look pointedly at her lovely tattooes that I haven't teased her about yet.

"Well my mates are groaning because your mommy and I get in trouble when we explore but Da and Daddy are probably groaning cause your ma's wearing VERY low cut shirts to show off her new marks." Ash moans and covers her face while Liam glares at me.

"Bloody hell. I owe ye twenty bucks Con. I thought fer sure she'd make it ta noon before she noticed the lass's new shirts. And trouble my arse last time ye went explorin ye ended up walkin in on Con and I swimmin in the lake nude." He trailed off and I grin in triumph as Ash groans louder and tucks her head further into her hands as Liam stared at her. "Bloody hell lassie. Ye really were a stalker." He pauses considering something before speaking again. "Did ye spy on us when we were getting frisky?" Caine and Ainle grimace, knowing exactly what thier Da was saying as Ash raises her head and straight out glares at Liam.

"Shut. Up." She pauses and cuts her eyes at me. "And yes...I drop it." Con chokes on his drink as he turns his head to look at Ash.

"Your the reason Sery ended up covered in poison ivy." Ash rolls her eyes and lifts Serenity to her shoulder to burp as she smirks at him.

"Yep. And the reason Liam's little Kiki ran for the hills after finding a tarantula on her face. They shouldn't have called me a runt and Riki a whelp. I may not have been good at being brave but subterfuge is my gift." I burst into a fit of giggles as the boys and my mates cheer. Leaving Con and Liam gaping at her. She hands Serenity to Abel and frowns at him briefly before looking back up at me.

"Let's explore with the kids sis and leave the males to deal with me father for a while." I laugh and kiss my mates before following Ash from the room. So proud.


I watch in amusement as my boys strap on baby carriers to their chests and slide thier sisters in them. When they see me watching Caine and Ainle grin up at me.

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