Chapter 28: Saving Abel

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Caine and Ainle sat somberly at the breakfast table holding their sisters as I lifted Fin on my hip. They look like they are about two now and I try not to let in unnerve me as I sit across from the boys. I kiss Fin on top of her head as I speak. 

"We'll save him."  

"Momma." Startled by the high voice that I had never heard before I look down at Fin. She smiles at me. 

"Affa, momma, affa." Confused I look to Liam. I feel a tug on my shirt to see Fin's lip quivering. 

"Ab, Affa." Why did I think she was trying to tell me something. A wail comes from her lips as she looks to Serenity, whom Caine is holding. Serenity looks up at Caine the expression on her face much older than a two year old should have. Her swirling colored eyes turn to mine as she sits straighter on Caine's lap and speaks. 

"Abel, Alpha, you." Fin stops crying and throws a wide smile at her sister before laying her head on my shoulder and nuzzling me. As the words connect I stand from the table and hand Fin to Liam as I grab Con's hand.  

"Liam can you watch the kids?" Con raises a brow as Riki walks into the room with Luke behind her. Gabe had left to go get the kids and bring them here so they could stay close by with Abel unconscious. "Riki, I need you to tell me where the clan house is in Ireland. I need to announce my title to the pack." Riki raises a brow at me and I huff before stepping forward and hugging her close. 

"I'm sorry sis for what I said but right now I need to go save my son." Riki holds me close for a second before pulling back to look at me. 

"How?" I shrug and look back at the girls. 

"I don't know but the girls think it's the way to go." Riki's eyes widen as she steps out of my hug to look around me at the girls. They grin at her and wave as they talk at once. 

"Ri, play." Riki choked on her own spit for a minute before smiling widely. 

"One sec babies and your cousins will be here soon." She looks back to me and kisses my cheek. "Go save Abel babe. We got this just take your...boys with you." At her words Bruiser, Re, and Cer smile and step forward as Con grumbles under his breath. 

"Boys, my bloody arse more like a bunch of Gobshite's." I raise a brow at him as the boys step close so I can port all of us. Liam chuckles behind me as Bruiser cuts his eyes to Con with a wide grin on his face. 

"Twats. Your man just called us a bunch of twats." Con growls at him and I port us quickly before he kills Bruiser. 


I pull back from Con as I blink at my surroundings. Lush green grass covers the lawn and the castle is completely covered with vines except for the windows. A light rain drizzles down on us as the boys take a step back from Con and I. I reach out and grasp his hand as Angle walks out of the castle doorway. I scowl at him as I reach out and grasp Con's hand. Hopefully that might keep him from killing Angle. Somehow I didn't think Angle and Con's personalities will mix well. A woman with bright purple hair and violet eyes follows out behind him. Her expression is cool as she eyes Bruiser, Cer, and Re. Angle throws an arm around her as he stops in front of us. Con growls as Angle eyes me up and down. 

"Well, hello their my soon to be Queen, how about we go out some time. It seems like your mate here is a little uptight. Hopefully that other mate of yours is more fun." Con snarls at him as the woman elbows him in the stomach. He grunts and looks over at her. "You'll have to hit harder than that to hurt me Avon." She raises a spot on his shoulder that causes him to yelp and pull back his arm. She ignores him and looks at Con. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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