Chapter 26

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I was laying on the couch as I looked around to see everyone was gone, Dad went out with the guys and their girls, I have a headache a really bad one. I held my head as I grabbed the keys from the counter I locked the bus up and I got into the car and drove to the nearest hospital. I did the paper work as I waited I had my knee up to my chest I laid my head on my knee as I cried softly. I heard someone get called but I heard, “Take this young lady, she is crying out of pain.” I looked at her as she smiled at me. “I’m a nurse I can tell.” “Thank you.” I wiped the tears off my face as the nurse called my name as I went in. They took my weight, height, temp. “Seems you have a slight fever.” I nodded, “I have really bad headaches too.” I said softly as she smiled, “Just take two Advil it could be from the Coma it does that to people who fly right after.” I blushed, “Thank you.” She smiled at me. “It’s okay, have a good day.” I smiled a small smile, “you too.” I walked out as I got back into the car as I drove back to the bus.

Dad and they guys were home I got out of the car hooked it up and went onto the bus, “Where were you!” Samantha yelled as I held my head as dad saw the tears as he hugged me, “come on let’s go lay down.” I nodded as dad and I went to his bunk as I laid there as dad said softly, “did you go to the hospital to get checked out?” I nodded, “what did she/he tell you?” “That I have a slight fever and that headaches are common for people who wake up and fly right away.” He nodded, “They will go away soon she said.” I said in a whisper as dad got up, “We are heading to the next town but we are going to stop at a gas station I’ll get you Advil and a case of water.” I nodded, “Thanks dad.” I said softly as he kissed my head. I got my phone out as I put my head phone on and connected to my phone.

 I put my playlist of all my Pierce The Veil songs on as I curled up in my dad’s bunk, I looked up to see Danny. “hey how you doing hun?” I sighed, “Fever and a headache that will hopefully go away soon.” I said softly. “your dad told me to give this to you. He’s getting food for all of us.” I nodded as He handed me a cold water bottle, “Did you replace this one with one of mine?” He nodded as I took it quickly as I got up and got my huge blanket as I crawled back into dad’s bunk. “night Danny.” “night Rae bear.” He said softly as he kissed my head. I fell asleep to the song Props & Mayhem by Pierce The Veil.


I gave everyone their food, “She fall asleep?” he nodded as I sighed, “I swear if Leila texts me one more time I’m going to throw my phone.” Danny nodded, “did you tell her to leave you alone mate?” I nodded, “But she won’t she keeps pushing me telling me that we need to talk.” He sighed, My phone rang again as he grabbed it as I followed him into the bunks he shook Rae awake. “MMM yeah?” she mumbled, “Talk to your best friend.” Danny sais sarcasticly as she grabbed my phone putting it on speaker. “This is Melissa Rae Liddlell for Mr. Liddell he cannot come to the phone for some pushy bitches may I take a message?” we heard a scoff at the other end of the phone. “Give the phone to you dad!” Leila demanded as Danny put his hand over my mouth. “Listen here you over pushy bitch if my dad told you something he meant it. He needs space and if you think that is your fuck other guys card think again  because if I find out you hurt my father in anyway I will make you beg for mercy. Don’t think I’m scared of going to jail or juvie I’ve done both.” She said as she hung up. “You went to jail?” I asked as she looked at me.

“Yeah Marcus called the cops on me for ‘tresspassing’ and when the police finally found out that I was his girlfriends daughter who lived there they let me. And for Juvie I broke into Marcus’s car and took it for a spin than spray painted ‘stupid fucking whore’ on the side.” She said as I snorted, “Quoted our lyrics did you?” She laughed, “Why not? It was either that or Lyrics from Final Episode.” I laughed as she did something before handing me my phone. “What did you do?” “Blocked her number if you want it done I’m here all week.” She said as she giggled. “I’m going back to bed if you need me.” She said as I kissed her head, “feel better.” I said as she smiled at me. “I’ll try daddy.” She said softly as she fell asleep again as I took my food to the back lounge as I sat there remembering when Rae was 16 and sick.


“dad?” Rae said as she came into my room, “Yeah princess?” “I don’t feel good, mom wouldn’t take me to the hospital because she and Marcus don’t want to spend money on me.” I nodded as I patted my bed. “So much more comfy than the couch…I hope you washed these.” I laughed as I felt her forehead, she was really burning up. “I’m going to call Danny.” I mumbled to her as she nodded and fell asleep. I called Danny, “yeah?” “Danny I need you to come help me with Rae.” I heard him shuffled, “Is she okay?” “She’s really burning up, and she’s sick I need you go to go the store or come here and lay with her.” I said, “I’ll come over and lay with her.” “Alright hurry dude I really need to get some stuff for her.” We hung up as Rae looked at me, “Dad?” “Yeah princess?” she sighed, “I’ve been slowly burning up since Monday and mom wouldn’t do anything.” She said as she coughed. She was sweating really bad she has been since I picked her up. “Alright hun go take a shower alright.” She nodded as she grabbed one of my shrits as she went over to her room and took a shower.

Danny came over as he looked at me, “Where is she?” “In my room I think she was taking a shower.” He nodded as he headed upstairs as I went to the store quickly I picked up some cough and flu medication. When I got home I went upstairs as her and Danny where both asleep I woke Rae as she looked at me, “Tomato or chicken noddle?” “Chicken.” She mumbled as I kissed her head. She was like that for the week I had her it was bad when she got better the next week she called me asking to take her to the hospital because she broke her leg playing tackle football with the football players.


I snapped out of it as I looked up to see Rae, “hey dad what you thinking about?” She said tiredly, “The time you were sick the week I had you and then the week after I had to bring you to the hospital for a cast on your leg.” She nodded. “Good times.” She giggled as I shook my head. “Yeah but your mother was ‘saving’ money that she had a fuck ton of and since I was in a band I was supposed to be rich too…I’m still not I make enough to get by.” She looked at me, “I know dad. That’s what makes me love you more.” I chuckled as she hugged me, “Alright let’s go get your food and watch some movies.” She nodded as we walked into the living room.

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now