Chapter 3

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My Dad and Danny pulled me out of the principal’s office and into the car; we got in as dad sighed and looked at me, “I should yell at you or ground you but what is your side?” “When I got to the school Kaylee was waiting for me so she could say, ‘awe look at the little emo! She’s a fag just like her daddy and her uncles.’ So I punched her her she tackled me and we fought till uncle Danny pulled me off her.” Dad sighed at me as he looked at me. “Well you helped me get rid of my problem.” He mumbled as I giggled as uncle Danny got in the car. “Where is your car?” He sighed, Ben has it.” He said as I giggled as Dad drove to the Studio.

When we got there, I jumped out and hugged Ben, he laughed as Samantha looked at me as I sighed knowing she was going to yell at me, “Just let me tell my side.” I mumbled as she sighed as Brittney, Sam and James came out. “Hey trouble!” I rolled my eyes as dad put his arm around my shoulders. “Okay so the reason I got suspened this time because Guess who’s back!! If you guest Kaylee your right.” Ben shook his head as I continued, “SO today I was running late and taylor was in dad’s bed again…Not the point” I said after Samantha looked at me. “SO Kaylee was waiting for me when I got to the school, she said and I quote ‘awe look at the little emo! She’s a fag just like her daddy and her uncles.’ So I got mad and punched her in the face than she tackled me I would have kept fighting her.” They all chuckled as Sam asked, “So is she grounded?” Dad just sighed, “No because she helped me out with my issue.” I giggled, “She’s going to come back she’s a freaking obsessed stalker.” Everyone laughed at me as they nodded, “Ben I wanna cousin give me one!” Ben and Samantha blushed as I smiled innocently as everyone bursted out laughing; as I pouted. “Awe I think she was being serious!” I nodded as dad kissed my head. “Let’s go we have stuff to do.” I nodded as I skipped inside as I sat on the bench as I took out my phone going on twitter.

TheLiddellPrincess: Last night was the best :3 I love my dad and my uncles so much thank you @ssamca for taking the picture of dad and I last night

I posted the picture with my post and I just laid on the bench tweeting fans, and other Rockstars as I just lay there I felt someone sit on my legs as I looked to see Danny. “hey Uncle Danny what’s up?” “Nothing just waiting for them to get done so I can do my vocal parts.” I nodded as he took out his phone as we took pictures for a while as the others came over as I took pictures with them too as I just sat on the bench swinging my legs as I sighed, “Dad when are we going to England again? I wanna see grandma and grandpa!” he chuckled at me as he smiled; “soon I promise.” I nodded as I sighed, I put my headphones in as I blasted Avenge Sevenfold as I just laid there.

I groaned when someone shook me I opened my eyes to see James just standing there with dad, “what?” “We are done let’s go, we are going home.” I nodded as I just got up as I jumped on dad’s back falling asleep again.


I was carrying Rae as the guys looked at me, “Are you going to tell her that we are going to London for a visit?” “Not yet, I will tell her soon.” I mumbled as I looked at Rae’s sleeping face as I sighed, “you okay Cam?” I nodded as Danny got Rae off my back as he put her in my car. “Are you sure?” I shook my head. “Guys I don’t know what to do, I liked Taylor but Melissa has a point she is stalker crazy and I don’t want her hurt.” I said as they shook there head. “You only like Taylor because she gives you sex.” I shook my head. “NO we have gone on dates I didn’t know her daughter bullied mine in school.” I said as they shook their heads at me as I groaned. “Mate get over Taylor you will find someone who actually treats your daughter better and not act like a 5 year old.” I chuckled at that as we heard the car door open. I looked at saw Melissa get out of the car, “dad if you really like your creepy fuck stalker buddy keep her but don’t ever bring her near me I will beat the shit out of her without a flinch.” I shook my head, “no, I think I’m going to roll the single life.”

She laughed, “dad that means bringing home a girl every night, if you are going to do that I will move in with Danny.” I looked down, “I have more respect than that Melissa.” She sighed, “I know its just you guys just got off tour and don’t tell me that it doesn’t affect you when you come home.” I sighed as I looked at the guys who were leaving; I turned to Melissa as she sighed, “dad I’m sorry it’s just you always change when you go on tour.” I nodded as I hugged her, “I know princess, I’m sorry it’s cause I don’t have someone there to stop and remind me than when you call I just melt and wish you were with me.” She nodded in my chest as I continued to hold her. “I love you daddy.” She whispered as I smiled kissing her head. “I love you too Princess.” She pulled away as I smiled at her. “let’s go it’s getting late, and we still need to go shopping for food.” She giggled at me as I stuck my tongue out. “Real mature dad.” We both laughed as he looked at me.

“The day after tomorrow we are going to see my mum and dad.” I said as she squealed, “Seriously?” I nodded as I chuckled, “We have to buy a bed for me too tomorrow after I get my work done.” I chuckled, “that is true; I really thought I was going to lose you Melissa.” She looked at me, “Dad you would have never lost me, I mean mom as burring herself so deep that the judge would have given to you anyway.” I smiled at her as she giggled.


Dad and I got to the grocery store; we have three carts filled of food because the guys come over all the time we checked out as my phone started to play ‘Fuck’ by Bring Me The Horizon. “No.” I said as my mom huffed; “I just want to tell you I’m sorry the way I acted the other day at the park.” I rolled my eyes, “No your not mom you hit me, than you demanded dad to give me back I’m not a toy to be played with.” She sighed, “I kno-” I went out side as dad nodded at me, “No you better listen and listen carefully. I am not seeing you till Christmas, you got to leave me alone your like a creepy ex boyfriend who loves to stalk there ex.” My mom gasped, “And I don’t want to deal with you, I got suspended again and if you think I’m a horibable child go ahead because the only thing I have of you genes is your eye color and your stupid attitude.” I heard a buzzing at the other end of the phone as I shook my head going back inside and helping my dad bring the stuff to our car. “What did your mum want?” dad asked as I rolled my eyes, “To apologize.”

He chuckled, “I’m guessing you went off on her?” “Yeah and she hung up on me.” I smiled as he shook his head. “Let’s get home.” He said as he kissed my forehead.” I nodded as he drove us home. When we got home we saw Taylor and Kaylee sitting on our door step. I got out as Kaylee hid behind her mom. “What the hell do you want?” I said as my head chuckled, “Her bite is worse than her bark.” My dad said as Taylor glared at me, “I wanted to tell you that I want to keep going out with you again.” I laughed as dad laughed with me. “Did you think what I said in the principles office was a joke?” she nodded, “Listen lady and tramp stay away from my dad, our house, the studio because trust me, I can do a lot worse than that.” I whispered at Kaylee. “Mom let’s go, I have better things to do.” “Like get a nose job??” I asked as Taylor and Kaylee gasped. Taylor  got in my face as my dad said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Taylor slapped me as Kaylee and my dad gasped as I felt hands grabbing my arms. I looked to see Danny and Ben I tried to get out of their grasp I growled at her as she smirked.

“Now try and get me little girl.” I looked at Danny and Ben they let me go as she got wide eyed…

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now