Chapter 16

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I spent most my week with Jordan as I tried to forget everything, I was awake and lying in bed as Jordan was asleep I smiled as I kissed his cheek before getting my phone, I had a message from dad.

Dad: Can we talk today you don’t have to come home I just want to talk…

Me: Yeah dad I’ll be home today anyway, I want to talk to you too.

I felt Jordan shift as I looked at him he kissed me, “mmm what was that for?” I mumbled, “Do I have to have a reason for kissing the most beautiful girl in the world?” I giggled, “Nope!” I smiled as he kissed me again, “You going home today?” “Yeah I just need to get up and take a shower.” He nodded as he pulled me closer to him as I snuggled into him as he kissed me, “I’ll be at your dad’s around 5pm.” I nodded as I got up grabbing some clothes as I took a shower I washed my hair body and got out, I dried off as I changed into my Rose Rex tank top with my Pull & Bear Ripped Skinnies, I put on my deodorant than a little Victoria Secret Bombshell in Paradise perfume I dried my hair curled it and put my rose hair clip in. I already painted my nails yesterday blue glow in the dark while Jordan went into the studio. I filled my ‘Hello My Name Is Stewie cup with Monster Cuba Lima and Kissed  Jordan before I left, I grabbed my Heeled boots as I walked home as I got there I opened the door to see a couple beer bottles on the coffee table, table.

I cleaned it up as I threw them away, “Rae?” dad asked as I looked at him, “Hey dad, how much did you drink?” he looked down, “I thought I was going to lose you forever.” He mumbled, “Dad just because you yelled at me doesn’t mean I’m just going to run away.” He nodded as I hugged him. “But you should have told me that you were dating, I may have been a little cautious but you didn’t tell me and that hurt me.” He cupped me face in his hands, “I’m sorry Rae, let’s go to the fair.” I squealed, “YES!! WAIT!” I said as I looked at him, “Is she coming?” “No just you and me today.” I nodded, “Jordan said that you wanted to talk to him at 5pm so we have to be back at least around 4:30ish.”

He nodded as dad put his arm around me as we walked out and got into his car, as I begun to sing ‘I’ll Take You There’ (Feat Shayley). Dad chuckled at me as I smiled at him, as we got to the fair my dad was on his phone quickly and put his phone in his pocket as I looked at my twitter,

Cameron Liddell (CamAfuckingA): having a make-up day with @TheLiddellPrincess :D

Rae Liddell (@TheLiddellPrincess): My dad @CamAfuckingA and I are going to have a blast today :3 hopefully we can get some tattoo’s done today and some jamming sessions in.”

I posted as my dad hugged me as my dad paid for the fair, “But first I have a surprise for you!” I looked at him confused as I followed him as I looked to see my Uncles n’ Aunts. “daaaad!!” I whined as he chuckled, “I couldn’t help it they wanted to see you too.” I smiled as I hugged them all as we went around on rides, I took a picture of dad and I, Danny Myca and I, Myca and I, Danny and I etc. We went around the fair just walking, I got a new tattoo that says ‘No Matter How Much You’ve Worked So Hard To Be As Successful As You Are, There Will Always Be Those Ignorant Haters Who Don’t Understand’ –Jinxx. I smiled after I got it I  we went back to the house as we walked in I went to my room and laid down. I grabbed my IPhone and put on Immaculate Misconception by Motionless In White as I laid it down on my bed as I yawned a little I looked  over to see dad leaning against the door, I patted my bed as he sat on my bed, “Forgive me?” He asked as I nodded, “of course dad.” He smiled as he kissed my head as I sighed. “Jordan’s here!” we heard Ben yell as dad got up and went down stairs.

When he came back up Jordan kissed me softly as I smiled as he said, “Your dad said it was okay to stay here with you guys but I’m going to the house first to get your stuff. I love you.” He said, “I love you too.” I said as he kissed me before he left, “What now dad?” he shrugged making me laughed, “Mmmm movies?” “Sound fine to me.” He said with a smile as we went down stairs everyone was watching Batman as I laid on the couch/bed since they got it out for some reason so I sat on it as I leaned my head on the bed as I put my legs on dad as we just watched batman as Jordan came back he went up to my room putting my stuff up there as he came back down he lifted my head so he could sit than Danny satin the middle making me laugh, Jordan played with my hair while we watched Batman. “Can we watch the Lion King next?” I asked dad laughed, “We haven’t seen that movie in forever.” I smiled, “I know and it’s the only one without a princess for Ben and Danny that would be fuckable.” I teased as Ben choked as Samantha laughed at me and Danny just chuckled.

Jordan held my hand as he leaned down to kiss me before watching the movie again as he got his phone out he typed something quick as he put it on my tummy I picked it up and looked at it.

j- if your wondering about what your dad and I talked about he gave me the your-dating-my-daughter lecture and then he thanked me for being there for you when he couldn’t…

R- I figured as much, my dad is a cool person 10x better than my mom, you’ll see he is sweet and amazing at guitar don’t listen to danny when he teases my dad.

I laid it on my tummy as I felt dad pinch my leg, I yelped softly as I glared at dad as he chuckled, I stuck my tongue out and put my foot in his face as he slapped it away making me laugh. “shuuuush!” James said as I laughed, “Nope” he turned to playfully glare at me as I smiled as he sighed, “Those damned dimples make me not mad at you anymore.” I smiled, “I win!” I said as I felt Jordan’s phone on my tummy.

J-i know your dad is pretty chill that’s what I like about him :P and I am spending the night your dad was fine with it :3

I smiled at Jordan as I kissed him quickly as the doorbell rang as we all looked at one another, “did anyone order anything?” I asked,”No.” they all said as I raised my eyebrow, “I’m not getting it and Jordan, Danny, and dad can’t.” I giggled as Ben got up, we all heard him say, “Anyone order a bitch?” he came into the living room with mom following him. “What do you want?” I said as she glared, “What did you two do?” She yelled as we looked at each other, “huh?” I asked, “Don’t play dumb I just found out that your father got full custody of you.” I shrugged, “I didn’t do anything.” I said as dad coughed, “I did, I told them what you did at the park, at the hospital and when I was coming home the other day.” My mom glared at Cam as she stormed out, “Anyone else feel the storm a brewing?” I said as they laughed, “Alright let’s watch Lion King.” “YAY!” I squealed as I got off Danny and dad as those two switched spots so I held Jordan’s hand as I leaned my head against dad’s shoulder, I put my legs over Jordan’s so I could get comfortable.

Jordan put his other hand on my leg as I quickly checked my twitter I saw I was notified in one:

Jessica Sanders (@Alwaystherightone): My ex his fucking horrible he took @ForgottenSnowPuppets away from me for good. He has no right to do so!!! She’s my daughter!!!

@ForgottenSnowPuppets: ‘@Alwaystherightone: My ex his fucking horrible he took @ForgottenSnowPuppets away from me for good. He has no right to do so!!! She’s my daughter!!!’ I’m not a thing to be played with, I’m not a toy, and I’m defiantly glad dad has me!! You need to clean up your act ‘mom’ before you ever see me again!!

I rolled my eyes as Jordan looked at my phone as he shook his head passing it to Dad, dad got his phone out as I watched the movie Jordan was making circles on my leg as we watched Lion King. My phone, Jordan, Danny, Sam, James, Samantha, Brandi, and Brittney’s phone all beeped vibrated or dinged. I checked it as I saw dad’s tweet.

Cameron Liddell (@CamAfuckingA): I’m having a great time with my daughter @ForgottenSnowPuppets, along with @JordanEckes, @thedannyworsnop, @BenAfuckingA, @JamesAfuckingA, @SamAfuckingA, @seemyB_Mah, @BrandiAnnetteTX, watching movies and chilling. Not letting drama get in the way tonight, tomorrow or ever; so when you talk shit remember we don’t care we have each other and the fans!!!

I smiled as I put my phone on the bed as Jordan put it on the arm of the couch as I yawned again as I groaned, “I’m so exhasted, I’m going to bed.” I said as everyone said goodnight Jordan grabbed his phone as he held my phone as we went upstairs, “You didn’t have to come with me?” “Your right but I wanted to.” He said making me giggle a little, “Okay bed time.” I mumbled as I changed quickly. I crawled into bed as Jordan crawled in after me as he wrapped his arms around me as he yawned a little too. “What did you do today?” I mumbled, “Practice.” I nodded as I laid my head against his chest. Falling asleep…

Cam Liddell is my father, Ryan Seaman is dating my momWhere stories live. Discover now