Chapter Ten

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Dakota stretched across his sofa, and exhaled in relief. He thought of Amy's soft skin on his... He remembered the outing pretty well. It was one of the best moments of his life....

*                 *                *
His laughs rang into the night as he got out of the car.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening." Amy smiled, as she got out of her car.

Dakota turned to face her but he was greeted by her soft lips on his. They moved in perfect synchronisation. Sparks flew inside Dakota. Amy pulled back and stared into his eyes.

"You got what you wanted." She smirked before getting into her car. She drove off, leaving Dakota in some sort of trance. It was official. He was in love.

* * *

Diego burst through the doors of Dakota's apartment, interrupting his thoughts.

"What the hell?" Dakota exclaimed as he stood up. Diego shut the door behind him and looked at Dakota.

"Two things. One: learn to lock your door. Two: I found it." He said darkly. Dakota squinted his eyes and tilted his head to one side.

"Found what exactly?" He asked. He felt excited energy around the room. Diego reached for his hoodie pocket and brought out the pamphlet. And also took out a paper which had the picture of what he had seen. He handed them to Dakota.

"The great Gala taking place in the Cooper Hewitt Museum celebrating the 39th Anniversary since they last opened as well as the Patriotism through historicism's history." Dakota read aloud. He looked skeptical. "Let's go for a walk."
* * *

"It's currently in display. Dakota, don't you get it?" Diego excitedly said. "The brooch dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, after the unification of Italy." Diego took a deep breath. He was rushing. "Patriotic feelings persisted in Italy through the fiftieth anniversary of the reign of King Victor Emmanuel II, who supported the unification of Italy, celebrated in 1911." He excitedly said.

Dakota stared at the picture in disbelief. He didn't want to believe it. But his insides were screaming 'go after it!'

"Who's on my trail?" Dakota asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Who is on my trail? You said someone came close to figuring out who I was." Dakota said. Diego looked dead calm.

"Nothing. I thought it was someone suspicious. But I still need you to attend high school. Because that same someone is messing with your-"I thought you said it was someone suspicious. Diego...what is going on?"

"I'd like to know that as well."

Diego and Dakota both turned around and saw a man wearing a cardigan. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at them. Diego rolled his eyes.

"Undercover agent. New York is swarming with them, man." Dakota chuckled dangerously.

"What is this about a Jewel theft? You're coming in for questioning." The man narrowed his eyes.

"Not likely." Diego laughed. In a flash, he had the man pinned to the side of a building. Dakota knew exactly what he was thinking. He rushed to Diego's side and rummaged through his pockets.

'I can't find it, dammit!' Dakota thought in alarm. He shakily checked Diego's back pockets and felt something sharp against his skin. He yanked it out and saw a packet of white pills. The man struggled. Diego slapped his hand over the man's mouth as Dakota took one tablet and shoved it violently down the man's throat.

Diego kicked him off, and the man collapsed face first into the ground. He had swallowed the pill, clearly because he was gagging. Soon, he was passed out on the cold ground.

Diego grinned. "Propranolol. Gotta love it."

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