Chapter Five

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The noise of laughing teenagers were too loud for the likes of Dakota. He walked into the hallways and everyone gave him 'the look'. He gnashed his teeth together. He hated attention and he absolutely despised the way people were staring at him.

As he passed the locker area, he noticed a group of girls congregating next to a classroom. They were revealing way too much skin and they stopped talking automatically as soon as he passed by them.

"Hey, are you new here?" one of them asked. She had bronzed skin and black hair which had an orange bleach through her bangs. It made her look like a skunk.

"Is it obvious?" Dakota murmured.

The skunk girl just twirled her hair around her fingers and giggled profusely. Another girl, brunette, came up and gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry...-"Dakota Parker." Dakota said. The girl winced at the name Parker. Dakota gave her a weird look.

"Hey, I'm Lilith." She slowly said. Lilith scrutinized Dakota harder. He felt really uncomfortable.

"Great...I'll see you around." Dakota stammered and turned down the hallway...bumping straight into someone. He fell on his back, dropping a few books which were in his backpack. The zipper had opened. A boy loomed over him and smirked.

"Watch where you're going, dude." He smirked. And then he walked away. 'I'll kill you later' Dakota thought as he sat up, and began packing his books up.

"Need any help?" a voice gently asked. He averted his attention to his left side. A girl knelt beside him and started picking his books up.

"Thank you." Dakota said, completely fazed. Her brown hair touched her collar, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw green flecks amidst her brown ones. Once he had tidied up his mess, he stood up and brushed himself off. The girl giggled.

"I'm Amy." She smiled. It suited her.

"Dakota. Dakota Parker. I'm new here." He sighed. She slowly nodded.

"I'm guessing you need to get to the head office to get your schedule?" She smirked. Dakota nodded. She gestured for him to follow her, ignoring the snickering girls in the background.

"So, Amy. Those girls back there..." Dakota started but was cut off when Amy scoffed.

"Those girls? They're human version of snakes." She rolled her eyes. He chuckled. Every school seemed to have cliques.

"Lilith Parker will stop at nothing to get what she wants." Amy said, as they turned down a corner. Dakota tried not to gawk at her as she said 'Lillith Parker'. They had the same last name and he was sure it was a coincidence. Yet there was a tugging feeling in his chest telling him otherwise...
There was a closed, where a sign hung from the knob. It read 'Knock and wait'.

"Here we are. I think I'll be going now. I'll see you later." She smiled, and walked away. Dakota just nodded. He didn't want to stay alone but he didn't want to seem like a wimp.

He knocked on the door but before he could a second time. The door opened, revealing an old woman dressed a little bit too modern for her age. Her grey hair was piled up om top of her like a mound of whipped cream.

"Yes?" She asked. Her voice was extremely soft like honey.

"Dakota Parker. I need to collect my schedule." He mumbled. The woman nodded, and hurried back inside. Dakota took this as a chance to inspect what was inside. There were hundreds of drawers drilled into the walls. They were files of different teachers, and inside them, no doubt were their teaching plans no doubt. To his left, a brown chest sat in the corner, polished to perfection. It seemed a little odd to have a chest in the corner of a secretary's office. Yet again, who was he to judge? He was just a student – an 'undercover' student.

The woman came back, carrying a clipboard, and handed it to Dakota. He took it and he groaned when he saw his first subject. What a great way to start the day with Mathematics.

*           *            *

  Dakota was lost. He didn't know how to get to his math class and what's worse is that he was five minutes late. He definitely didn't miss high school. Finally when he descended a who flight of stairs, he came face to face with the math classroom, and the teacher definitely didn't seem friendly. Dakota didn't bother knocking and he knew he'd get into trouble but his mood was like moldy bread.

He barged in and took the whole class by surprise.

"Mr. Parker? You're late. And judging by your demeanor you don't give a damn." The teacher calmly said. She had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, and unlike the secretary woman, she wore dresses which might have come from the 90s. Her scent was so strong that Dakota could smell it from the doorway. She smelled of lavender...times a hundred.

"Well come in, you dolt!" She hissed. Dakota tried not to laugh as he took a seat next to a boy who looked like he was trying out to be a professional wrestler in WWE. Once Dakota had gotten out his books (and earned a glare), the woman continued teaching.

"For those of you who don't know, this is Dakota Parker, our new student." She sighed.

"I think I can introduce myself, thank you." Dakota blurted. He immediately wished he hadn't. Sure, he's met a few killers and cops here and there, but nothing scares someone more than an old woman.

"My, my. Not making a very good impression today, are we? After school detention." She glowered.

"For those of you who don't know –" She glared at Dakota – "I am Mrs. Kane, and I will be your mathematics teacher." She hissed.

"I'm pretty sure that says that on your door." Dakota yawned.

"I'm pretty sure your parents didn't teach you to be an annoying brat." She snapped.

"No. My parents taught me to stand up for myself when talking to an annoying brat." Dakota calmly said. He knew steam was coming out of her ears, and he tried not to laugh.

   *     *     *

The bell rang, sending a chill down Dakota's back. His day had been rough, and he did meet new people...enemies of course. He didn't do a great job at making friends.

He walked down the pavement, thankful that the day had ended. He sun beat down his back as if it wanted to fry him. He gritted his teeth as he made his way back home. He was going to kill Diego. Go to school? It changed nothing. He turned down an alleyway, and heard angry voices. He saw two figures arguing and he recognized that voice. Amy.

He rushed up to the two people and sure enough, he saw Amy as one of them. She was yelling at a boy and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to end well.

"Amy?" Dakota called out. She turned and so did the boy. Dakota had to give him credit; he was handsome. His sleek black hair was ruffled to the back, where it fell to his jawline which was perfectly accentuated. He had emerald green eyes which had flecks of grey. He wore a leather jacket and dark washed denim jeans. Immediately, Dakota hated the guy.

"Dakota, what are you doing here?" Amy asked, stealing a quick glance at the boy.

"Who is this?" The boy asked.

"I'm agitated. And you?" Dakota sneered.

"My name is Chase. Chase Adams." The boy smirked.

"Yeah, and he was just leaving, wasn't he?" Amy said, gnashing her teeth together.

"I believe he was." Dakota nodded in approval, winking at her.

Chase just growled threateningly, and walked out of the alley. Light raindrops pattered against the buildings, and they soon turned to heavy rain.

"Dakota, hey. Since you're, I'm assuming, new to the town and the school, I can show around. Tomorrow evening at seven?" Amy grinned. Dakota nodded.

"Sounds great to me." Dakota chuckled as realistically as he could. He never really moved anywhere. But sure, he let her believe that. For now. Amy waved him off as she walked away, her hair swaying behind her, leaving Dakota in some sort of trance...

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