Destiny and the Wolf

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  • Dedicated to YukixKaname Smith

         Some stories start at the end, some in the middle and some at the beginning, this one starts at the beginning of the end, or maybe the end of the beginning, let's just say that it's the beginning, the middle, and the end. So to say, we will start at the very beginning to where it began. Before our story started, where a child's first cry was heard and a howl from a wolf at the same time twisted her fate, and entwined their lives forever.

           "And so it begins" the old women said, while everyone either gasped or had a terrible look on their face's and the newly founded mother screamed. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, you see it is a forsaken aliment to hear a wolf howl the moment you are born, it is considered unlucky and it brings horror to your village in the future, it has never happened but once and that almost destroyed the village permanently.

          The old women looked upon the new born child with great sorrow and awe. She would have a great destiny; it may be horrible, or sad or good but a great destiny none the less. "Name her Destiny." The old woman said and so it began, the fated girl named Destiny grew and the old women went home and began to make a beautiful gift for the young child made of red blood cloth.


          Somewhere in the middle of this the now eight year old child humming to herself, walking to her home from the edge of the forest. Now it is safe to say that people fear the forest, untimely and tragic things happen, beasts live there and you can get lost if you stray from the path. The child Destiny was and is not scared, she finds in exciting and adventuresome so she is alone most of the time, the people are scared of her not only because of what happened the night she was born, but because she is so different from everyone else, though she was a sweet child. It did not help that her grandmamma lived deep in the woods and that Destiny visited often with treats. It was there that the grandmamma gave a beautiful blue wrapped gift to her and in the inside there was a beautiful red blood cloak just her size. "Oh grandmamma, it is beautiful, thank you. I will wear it all the time."

          "Child, I have made this for you, you are special. You must wear this everyday and never take it off, it will protect you even in the darkest hour and it will grow with you. When you wear it think of me sometimes my beautiful Destiny, people are scared and you might not get to see me for a long time, but remember what I told you, remember that I love you so much and that one day we will see each other again."

          The child left crying, she never saw her grandmamma again until eight years later, and she was sixteen, still wearing the red cloak, even though people snickered, they got used to it, and her name was lost, now she was called, Red Riding Hood. She never stopped playing by the edge of the woods, collecting the flowers and splashing in the river. Even as she grew the green emerald eyes from the forest never stopped watching her intently, invisible to everyone only the howl noticeable in the night, That made people cringe even after the years of hearing it.


            I know we should get to the story, but there is one last part I have to tell, she was sitting by the river, her red cape riding the wind, she was picking wild flowers and a evil creature raised about to attack and she was unawares, it attacked, only to be attacked by a wolf of greater strength and beauty with green bright eyes, full of anger at the one who would try and attack the girl, she saw, and was scared, the evil being went away wounded but the wolf stayed, she was frightened he could smell her fear.

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